Story Tank (S5 E25)

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Your POV

I'm in the Man Cave with, Henry, Ava, Jasper, Ray, and Schwoz. We're watching a scary movie. Henry bought steaks with his dads credit card. We're sharing a bit while watching the movie.

"Ahhh!!!" I scream and hide my chest into Jaspers shoulder as Henry laughs.

"How are you not scared?" Jasper asks and I sit up. Ray pauses the movie.


"He said, 'How are you not scared?'" Ava repeats and drinks her soda.

"It's a funny movie...." Henry says and I roll my eyes.

"Are you not scared?" Jasper asks.

"Nope," He says and Ava throws popcorn at him.

"And why do you get to have fancy steaks?" Charlotte asks.

"I bought these with my dads credit card, I'm only sharing  with my girlfriend." Henry says, "And also These Bro-Ma steaks are mine!"

We basically have popcorn, soda, candy, doughnuts and slushees. But still, how could Henry have steak without sharing with me. I may smack him if I have to.

I whisper to Ava as the boys argue with each other.

"This is going to be funny," I giggle.

"But do you wanna tickle him though?" Ava asks and I smirk.

"If you do it to Jasper, I'll do it to Henry," I giggle.

Ava and I sneak up behind the boys who are arguing about something and tickle them. They turn around and we girls just pretend to have a conversation.

"Was that you babe?" Henry asks.

"Nope! We're just talking about you guys being cool boyfriends," I giggle.

"Ava?" Jasper raises an eyebrow.

"I didn't do anything," I could tell she tries to hold back her laughter.

We tickle them again and they find us giggling.

"That's it!! Get over here Giggle Girls!" Henry says and the boys chase us around the Man Cave.


"Your shriek is so cute!" I explain.

The boys started to tackle us earlier.

"You get scared!" Jasper reasons.

"Yeah, you got freaked out after I fell off my bike," Ava says.

"And me too!" I reason.

"I was startled not Scared," He explains.

"Same thing!" Charlotte reasons and Piper nods.

Yeah! Forgot to say, Piper is now working with us. She is proud of me dating Henry and will literally attack him if he ever cheats on me. She is helping out with Ava and Jasper. 

"Challenge!" Ray says.

"Dance battle?" Jasper asks.

"Singing battle?" Ava asks.

"Who can kiss the longest battle?" I ask.

"No! Maybe and no! I don't want anyone to end up 'doing it'  in the Man Cave," Ray states and Ava, Charlotte, Piper and I burst out in laughter.

"Oh my gosh..." I say, laughing.

"Why would we do that??" Ava says.

"They're not going to 'do it'" Piper says.

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