Insecurities and Worries

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Your POV

It's been a couple of weeks since I broke my arm and so did Henry.  I got my cast taken off last night. Henry isn't sleeping over sadly but I'm not feeling very well. I look at myself in the mirror and rub my stomach. I tap my lamp and make it dark green. I feel hot and light-headed.

I lay down on my bed, struggling to fall asleep.

(Read the birthday chapter to review the colors.)

Henry arrives and I feel lightheaded. I stumble but he catches me.

"Hey, Babe! You ok?" Henry asks, rubbing my back.

"I can't fall asleep and I feel sick," I say, leaning against him.

"I'll cuddle you and take care of you." He says, kissing my head.

I cover my mouth and rush to my bathroom.

"Babe? y/n what's wrong? Are you ok?" I hear Henry say as I empty my stomach. 

"Babe? Princess?" Henry says, concerned and I hear footsteps.

I lean against the wall.  I wish I was pretty, I have a flat chest and nonexistent hips and I overeat but I don't have a large, normal stomach. Henry walks to me in the bathroom, with a worried look on his face. 

"Babe? What happened?" Henry says, tying my hair and rubbing my back.

"I threw up but I'm fine now," I say, wiping my mouth and walking to my bed.

"Baby? It's okay, you can tell me. I'm here for you!" He says, getting into my bed with me.

"I'd rather tell Charlotte and Jasper but I'll tell you now," I say, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I'll be there to support you, Princess," Henry says, kissing my head.

"I've been feeling insecure about myself, I'm skinny and I don't have hips or a chest and I'm so skinny even though I overeat. I'm not beautiful enough or smart or anything!" I explain, sobbing into his chest.

"Shh! You're the prettiest girl ever! You matter so much to me! I love you so much! I'm here to support you. Don't make yourself throw up or sick. You're my Princess and my goofball." Henry says, stroking my hair.

(Don't worry! He also thinks charlotte is beautiful)

"Thank you, Babe!" I say, snuggling into his chest.

I fall asleep on his chest and he spends the night sleeping with me.

The next day at the man cave.

Jasper and I sit on the couch playing a board game. Charlotte is braiding my hair and Henry and Ray are on the couch with Jasper and me. Schwoz is on a camping trip. I whisper something into Henrys ear.

"Yeah I'll get their attention," Henry whispers. 

"Thanks," I mutter to him.

"Guys? Y/n has something she wants to explain. Char can I get that Tissue box"
charlotte smiles and hands us the tissue box. Ray sits on the couch and waits for us to speak.

"Well, I've been feeling insecure about myself, I have no hips, no chest, I'm too skinny even though I eat so much, I made myself throw up last night, I just don't think I'm pretty enough, Charlottes way prettier than me." I explain, now sobbing.

"Oh, y/n?" Jasper comes up to me, "I'm so sorry," He says in sorrow, hugging me.

I sat on the couch and Charlotte smoothes my back. She hugs me and I began to sob.

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