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Your POV

Today is Prom! I'm so excited! I haven't been going to school but Jasper, Ava, and Charlotte help me catch up. Sadly Henry isn't graduating but he's still going to prom.

I'm at Avas house, getting changed into my prom dress.

I'm at Avas house, getting changed into my prom dress

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Henry is very excited for prom tonight. Jasper and Henry said that they have a surprise for us before Prom ends. I'm gonna miss seeing friends from school. I'll literally cry at graduation.

"Y/n?" Ava says, tapping my shoulder.

"What? Oh hey Avs!" I smile.

"You zoned out, you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous," I say.

"Jasper is almost here, our limo is coming to pick us up," Ava says.

I start to tear up. I'm so glad I have a family here now. I'm crying because my real family never loved me. They'd just be disappointed in me if they saw me with Henry. My mother would since my father lost his memory.

Ava hugs me when we hear the doorbell.

Henry walks in in a tuxedo and has a corsage that has purple flowers on it. Jasper has a corsage for Ava and has pink flowers. Charlotte has a date with this boy named Jack for Prom. She's meeting us at school.

"Happy prom princess," Henry says, kissing my lips.

He puts the corsage in my hair and I smile. Jasper puts Avas corsage in her hair.

I hook arms with Henry and we walk to the limo.


Henry and I are at prom. Jasper and Ava went to talk to one of Avas friends Alyssa.

I walk over to grab some punch when someone puts a hand over my mouth. Suddenly everything goes black.


Third POV 

Y/n gets kidnapped by a dark shadow. He grabs her and takes her into a dark room. He ties her up and sticks a needle in her skin that's attached to a machine. The mysterious figure is unknown but only y/n knows him. Jake Z who escaped from Boarding school/Prison.

~where Henry,Charlotte, Jasper, and Ava are~

Henry walks around, looking for y/n when Charlotte, her date Jack, Jasper, and Ava rush up to him.

"Have you guys seen y/n?" Henry asks.

"No! I've called her like two million times and she won't answer her calls!" Jasper says.

"Where did you see her last?" Ava asks.

"At the punch table..." Henry trails off.

"Okay, Ava and I will check the girls bathroom, Jack and Jasper can check the hall and Henry can look in the classrooms, but be ready in case you need to get into uniform," Charlotte says.

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