Part 2- Kidnapped and Mind control

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Third person POV

Right after y/n had a syringe injected into her, she started working for drex. But she was still dressed as Girl Danger. Henry was getting worried each day.

~present time~

Henry is in the man cave with Piper, Jasper, Ray, and Charlotte.

"We need a plan to get y/n and drex back," Henry says.

Jasper is snacking on popcorn. It hasn't been easy for him without Ava.

"I got it! If Henry can use his fast reflexes to fight Drex, Jasper can inject a needle with liquid that turns ava and y/n back to normal," Charlotte explains.

Jasper smiles at this. Henry recently got his fast reflexes back from a potion so he can dodge things easily.

"Yes! I just hope we can get Ava and y/n back soon," Jasper sighs and Charlotte rubs his shoulder.

"It's okay Jasp," Charlotte says.

~the abandoned factory where y/n and Ava are~

"Okay, Girl Danger, now minion Danger and Minion Ava, I want you to both destroy Kid Danger and that awkward boy," Drex says.

"Yes Master drex!" 

"I'll go to Junk and Stuff and get that awkward boy  to tell me where the Man Cave is," Drex smirks.

(This is kinda like hour of power from s3 but I'm making it a bit like it and a bit differently)

"Nice going master drex," Minion Danger says.

"Now, Tomorrow we shall destroy kid danger and the awkward boy," Drex says.

Avas eyes start shifting to brown..

"His name is Jasper," Ava says and her eyes shift back to blue, "yes master! I will destroy Jasper!"

"And minion danger will destroy kid danger!" Drex says.

Y/n's eyes begin to shift from blue to y/e/c (your eye color)

"Kid Danger is my boyfriend...." y/n says and her eyes shift back to blue, "Yes! I will destroy Kid Danger!"

~back at the man cave ~

Henry is pacing back and forth, freaking out.

Charlotte and Piper do a few coding things.

"We gotta figure out where y/n and Ava are in case they moved locations," Charlotte says.

Charlotte finds the location.

"I found it!" Charlotte exclaims.

"You did! Of y/n and Ava?'" Henry asks.

"No, of Pipers box of French fries," Charlotte says, sarcastically.

"Sarcasm," Jasper points out.

"Look! We can talk about Charlotte's sarcasm later after we get y/n and Ava back," Ray says.

Suddenly the elevator doors open and Ava and y/n walk in with drex. Y/n was instructed to change back into her normal self.

"Y/n! Ava!" Henry and Jasper exclaim.

"Uhh guys, I don't think those are the real y/n and Ava,"  Charlotte says.

Y/n swings a kick at Henry, knocking him over.

"What did you do to Ava and y/n?!" Jasper exclaims, trying to attack drex.

"They're under my control now," Drex smirks, "y/n! Ava! Attack Henry and Jasper, I'll take care of Ray, and the two girls," 

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