Season 4 book special Sick and Wired

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(No Piper in this special and just A reminder,  you're still 17 but Jasper has his kinda macaroni curly  hair 🤣 sorry my friend calls it that)

Your POV

Henry and I are sick with the flu. We've been sick for a couple of days so far. Ava and Jasper have been checking on us a lot. I'm at Henry's house, laying in his bed with him. Jasper is making some weird nasal liquid while we have nose thermometers in our noses. Ava is arriving soon.

"Hey guys, hey y/n and Henry," Ava greets.

"Hey babe," Jasper smiles. 

"Hey Ava," Henry greets.

I wave and let out a coughing fit. Henry patts my back weakly. 

"Aww you poor things," Ava says, giving a worried look.

"I'll bring you guys some food," Ava turns to Jasper, "uh, Babe what are you making?"

"A cure for y/n and Henry's cold," Jasper explains.

"You can't cure a cold," Henry says.

"Sure you can," Jasper says, squeezing an orange.

Ava walks over to sniff it and coughs like she's about to throw up, "Ohhh that smells disgusting," 

"Yeah, what's in it?" I ask.

"A combination of orange juice, nut milk, fish oil, Frankincense, tomato purée, mur, bee pollen, and liquid lard," Jasper explains.

"I'm not drinking that," Henry says.

"Me neither," I say.

"Who said you would drink it? Ava and I are going to bathe you both in it," Jasper says.

"You did say it was a cleanse," Ava says, "But I'm not bathing y/n in that, it smells disgusting,"

"Nope!" Henry and I say.

"But don't you want your colds to go away?" Jasper asks.

"Nope we like being sick," Henry says, pulling the covers over us and leaning towards me.

I start to fall asleep when Henry's watch beeps.

"Henry, you go ahead and answer that, I'm going to do something on my phone," I say, laying in bed.

"Hey Ray, what's up?" Henry says.

"Hey, we're getting hungry, please bring us waffles," Ray says.

"Can't! Y/n and I are still sick with the flu," He says.

I get up from Henry's bed and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Ray," I say weakly.

"Man, y/n, you look terrible today," Ray says.

"Thanks! I usually look nice and dolled up for you but today I look terrible," I say, sarcastically.

"You guys have been sick for three days, maybe go see a doctor?" Ray says.

"It's just a cold," Henry says.

"Okay! I get it! Rest up both of you," 

"Thanks man," Henry says.

"Sure thing, feel better,"

Henry ends the call and gets back in bed with me.


Avas POV

I'm in the Man Cave with Jasper, Charlotte, Ray, and Schwoz.

"Poor Henry and y/n!" Charlotte frowns.

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