Mind Control and The Fever

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Your POV

Henry, Ray, and I are out fighting Doctor Minyak. He had hostages in our school. They are students who were in the hallway. Henry and I wait outside as Captian Man distracts  Minyak. We see some friends of ours that we never hang out with much, we only talk to them at school.

"Well! Captian Man! Looks like you found out my secret plan!" 

"Yes and I'm about to ruin it!" Ray says and the students who are tied up, muffle cheer.

"Nope! It's one of you and 3 of us!" Minyak says as 2 more goons appear.

"No, now there's 3 of us!" I say as Henry and I jump out.

"Oh no it's Kid danger and his girlfriend!" Minyak says.

"Quick! Kid Danger, help me! Girl danger help the hostages!" Ray says as Minyak and a goon start swinging punches.

I run over, missing punches that one goon swings and I kick him in the groin. 

"I'm here! Run! Run fast!" I say as I untie the hostages.

"Thank you girl Danger!" A boy says but when I turn around and realize who it is.

Jake? Why is he here in Swellview?  Oh no! He said he'd be back. I think I'm going to be sick. He's the worst person ever!!

"Ja- I mean, no problem young student, run along with the rest of the students," I say, chuckling nervously.

"You're pretty!" Jake says, blowing me a kiss.

Oh no! Jake hates me but loves me as girl danger?!

"There! All goons and Minyak are down!" Ray says.

"Yeah, We should go now," I say, laughing nervously.

"You ok Y/n err Girl Danger?" Henry asks, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, I'm ok," I say and he puts an arm around my shoulder.

Later in the Man Cave.

We go down the tubes. Henry and I are in the same tube. I am feeling anxious. I don't want Henry knowing that Jake was held, hostage.

"Hey, Guys!" Charlotte says, greeting from the monitor.

"Hey, Char!" Henry says.

"Hey, Charlotte!" Ray says.

"Hey," I  mutter quietly.

"Did you get those hostages free?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah, we did, I saw-" I pause when I breathe hard and fall to the ground. Henry catches me and helps me up.

"y/n!" Charlotte exclaims, rushing to my side.

"Danger Girl!" Ray exclaims, rushing to me. Ray calls me that as a nickname sometimes.

"y/n? You ok?" Henry asks, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, I-" I pause when I start wheezing.

"I-saw-" I pause and breathe between words. I fall to the ground again and Henry catches me.

"What's wrong? who or what did you see?" Henry strokes my hair.

Jasper walks out of the elevator.

"Hey, guys? Did you see that there was a new-" Jasper pauses when he see's me laying in Henry's arms.

"Y/N! Are you ok?" He says, rushing over and bending on one knee.

"Here, give her some water. She might be having a panic attack," Charlotte says.

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