Envygram Wall 🦋 (S5 EP28)

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Your POV

I'm in the Man Cave, chilling  with Ava and Charlotte  while the boys  are singing and folding up napkins.

"Right and left and up and in, folding napkins for the win!" Henry and Jasper sing.

"Wanna go see what they're doing?" I ask Ava and Charlotte.

"Yes," they nod.

"Love you Jasp," Henry smiles.

"Love you too Hen," Jasper grins.

"Right and left and up and in, folding napkins for the win," They sing.

"We don't get it," I say, walking up to them.

"Here, let me help you," Henry grins.

He takes my hands and helps me fold the napkins. Ava and Charlotte just stare at us.

"Right and left and up and in, folding napkins for the win," Henry and Jasper song.

"Ooh, now I get it," I smile.

"What?" Ava asks confused.

"It's for charity, Napkins for the Needy," Jasper explains.

"But shouldn't you give something like clothes or something?" Charlotte asks.

"You don't think napkins are helpful? You use them to wipe your mouth," Henry says.

"But they just get dirty though," Ava says.

"Also fries before guys y/n?" Henry asks, looking at my shirt.

"I'll buy you fries only if you're nice to me," I giggle.

"Okay fine, here Char and Ava, take a napkin and sing along," Henry says.

 "Right and left and up and in, folding napkins for the win," We sing along as Ray rushes in.

"Hey Ray," Henry greets

"Right and left and up and in, folding napkins for the wi—- Hey!" We exclaim as Ray knocks over the table.

"No time to talk! Henry! Y/n! I need your help guarding the envy gram wall this weekend," Ray says.

"Wait? Don't you need like 1 million followers or some thing to go take a picture with the wall?" I question.

"Yeah, we're in charge of guarding it this weekend," Ray says.

"I wish I could get my picture taken," Jasper frowns and Ava kisses his lips.

"I know buddy," Ava smiles. She's wearing a fishtail braid with jeans and a black shirt.

"What's the envy gram wall?" We hear a voice.

I jump into Henry's arms and Ava jumps into Jaspers.

"Schwoz?!" Charlotte exclaims.

"What? You guys woke me up," Schwoz says.

"Henry, y/n, and I have to guard the envygram wall this weekend, it's a mural of a butterfly that envygramers with at least 10,000 followers get to take a picture with the wall," Ray explains to Schwoz.

"But y/n and I having a Hunger games marathon-"

(I've only seen the first movie of hunger games)

"I need you guys on that wall! This could be big for us!" Ray exclaims.

"Just give him a chance you two," Ava says.

"yeah, he's been angrier since that video of the bird pooping in his mouth happened," Charlotte says.

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