Healer Intro/Info

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Long ago, on the planet Raul lived the Lycan race. They flourished on this planet, spreading across all 4 continents. Raul laid beyond most other planets in its' galaxy so the Lycans were safe from most dangers. After a few thousand years some races began evolving to suit their needs. There are 4 main races now.
The oldest race is the Ulric. They are direct decedents of the original Lycans. They bare the most likeness of the big wolf man Lycans are known to look like. The Ulric serve as the King's officials. Channing, as they are called. The Channing work at the Temple of the Moon. Holding services, blessing babies, and leading the land to follow the moon Goddess, Minerva.

Next is the Ulfred. Very close resemblance to the Ulric in biology. Ulfred live in plains mostly farming. A simple life of following the Temples laws. Peace reigned within their ranks. Usually subservient to others, only moving from plains if the Banda are a danger. Not one Ulfred has ever become a King.

Uwais are the smallest race. Living for the most part in small caves near water, the small prey they hunted kept their bodies small. A normal male standing at only 5'5 in his human form was a big change from either the Ulric or Ulfred's normal 6'7. Because of the smaller size of the Uwais they were often found in Temples and kingdoms. Fast learners and skilled hands, they were perfect as Healers. The top healers became Rendells and worked for the Moon Temple directly, following the Channing.

The last race is the Lycurgas. Biggest of all the races, standing at 6'8 to 7 feet tall in their human forms. Besides their height Lycurgas bare long canine teeth in both their human or wolf forms, Much like the saber toothed tigers, whose teeth are only on the lower jaw. The longer the canine the stronger the male. females canines were always smaller, used for mostly digging or stripping bark. They were more feral than any other race, but with that wildness came great protectors. Most of the race worked for the Moon Temple as guards or Ethelwulfs for the Channing and Rendells. By trading in their feral ways for protection roles, every Lycurgas born within a Temple is granted a higher status of living.

On Raul the only real danger on the planet is the -13 degree winters and the wildlife. Big cat like creatures called simply Banda roamed the high mountains and plains. They were really the only animal on the planet to cause problems for the Lycans. The Tuntstall or King sent packs of Ethelwulf to destroy or run off the Banda away from different villages, Keeping peace on the planet possible. Between the different races there has always been some bad blood, but nothing ever became of it. It was against the Moon Goddess to fight ones brother.

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