Chapter 3- Meeting Newt

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"Now the next video is when you meet Newt" Kate said. "What no no" I turned around "no please". "I'm sorry Thomas". I now had tears in my eyes "please don't do this to me I, I can't see him again" I said basically begging her.

"Why can't we see a lizard Peter" said. "A lizard A FUCKING LIZARD, NEWT WAS MY BOYFRIEND A PERSON WHO I LOVED WITH ALL MY HEART!" "woah jeez Stiles calm down" Derek said "we get it, not a lizard". Before I could talk to Kate again the video started.

Thomas and Alby walked across the glade. "Whatever we need the box provides, the rest is up to us" Alby said. "The box?" Thomas questioned. "They send it up once a month with fresh supplies and a new greenie this time that's you, congratulations".

"You know this Alby guy has a different meaning of congratulations to me" Liam said. "Yeah well he had been doing it for a long time" Fry said. "How long was he there" Melissa asked "3 years" I replied. It went silent.

Sent up by who though who put us here Thomas asked.

"Nosey as always Stiles" Kira said. "What I'm a curious guy" I replied sassily.

"Yeah that we don't know" Alby said. "Hey you alright" Alby Newt said.

"Newt" I whispered under my breath I closed my eyes and put my hands on my ears. "That's not how this works Thomas you have to watch it" Kate said.

I hated crying it showed you were weak but I couldn't help it I lifted my head up. A couple tears ran down my face.

"Thomas" Minho said from next to me "come on he wouldn't want this he would want you to be happy of the memories we all made he would want you to see this as a chance a chance to look at him one more time before he turned". "Thanks" I whispered.

"Green bean meet Newt when I'm not around he's in charge" said Alby. "It's a good thing your always around then" Newt replied.

"Was newt like the leader as well" my dad asked. "No he was second in command so like if Alby was busy with another glader or working you would go to Newt and he would make the decisions". "Oh ok" my dad said.

"You know that was some dash you made earlier for a second there I thought you had the chops to be a runner, till you face planted" Newt and Alby then laughed "that was great". "Wait Runner?" Thomas asked confused.

"Jeez Thomas you really did ask a lot of questions on your first day" Minho said. "Oh shut up I'm sure you did too". "Nope not one" he replied. "You were too busy crying all day" Gally said sniggering. I laughed.

"Hey Newt do me a favour for find Chuck" Alby said.

I could see Gally tense at the name.

"Look I'm sorry to rush this, you came up a little late and we've got a lot to do we have got something special planned tonight" Alby finished.

"You really loved him didn't you" Scott said next to me. "With all my heart" I replied. "By the way what's been going on with the supernatural and stuff".

"STILES" Derek shouted motioning to the gladers. "They won't tell I said and I trust them with my life. So what's been going on." "Well the first year after you left Gerard put an army together of normal people and told them about us".

"They were then scared and kept trying to kill us also there was a thing called a Anuk-Ite which lived on fear so that helped them be more scared. In the end we killed it which took the fuel away from the fire and now everyone in Beacon hills knows about us but arnt scared".

"After that we all went our separate ways to university and jobs. But we always came together on one day of the year today the anniversary of the day you went missing". "Oh well thanks guys it does mean a lot to know you still thought about me even if I couldn't remember" I said sincerely.

"Hey Thomas your friends with supernatural creatures" Aris said. "Yeah it just happened I guess" I replied. "You just can't be normal can you greenie" Gally said. I laughed "course not what did you expect".

I have to say I was a little jealous of how Stiles acted with his new friends but they make him smile so it doesn't matter.

I know that Stiles is mad about this Kate showing us what happened to him but I guess I am a little happy I get to see where he has been for the 3 years I spent looking for him.

"ALRIGHT NEXT VIDEO" Kate shouted.

Hiii, please leave comments and feedback thanks 🖤

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