Chapter 4- Talking to Chuck

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Kate then said "this is Thomas or Stiles with Chuck". I knew there was no point in arguing so I put my hand in my pocket and felt the wooden figure that Chuck gave me.

Gally however put his head on his lap and covered it with his arms. "Hey Gally same rules for you, you have to watch" Kate said. Gally didn't move. I walked up to him and crouched down.

"Hey Gally" I said softly. It wasn't often Gally's walls were torn down like this but Chuck was one thing that make him vulnerable. "It wasn't your fault it was WCKD it was all WCKD look the sooner this is over the sooner we can get back to the safe haven come on Gally please" I begged.

He lifted his head up, his eyes were blood shot. "Thanks Greenie" he said. "You helped him you know" Minho whispered in my ear once I sat down.

"Alright let's start" Kate said enjoying every moment of this.

Chuck was putting up a hammock for Thomas to sleep in whilst Thomas was leant on a tree. Chuck said "It's basically the same story for all of us".

"Oh my god he's so young" Melissa said. "Yeah only 12" I replied with sadness in my voice.

"We wake up in the box, Alby gives us the tour and then here we are, don't worry your already doing better than I did, I klunked my pants 3 times before they got me out the pit" Chuck said then turned around only to find Thomas gone.

"You really can't just follow rules can you" Sonya said. "Nope" I replied. "He couldn't at home either did my head in" my dad said. "Hey hey stop ganging up on me" I said. Everyone laughed.

Chuck then ran to follow Thomas who was walking towards an opening in the walls. "Dude where are you going" Chuck said annoyed. "I just want to see" Thomas said. "You can take a look all you want but you better not go out there".

"What was so bad about leaving" Hayden asked. "I'm sure you will see pretty soon I replied but trust me it's not nice".

"What's through there" Thomas asked. "I don't know I just know what I'm told and we are not supposed to leave". Minho and Ben then run out the maze. Thomas looks confused. "Hey Chuck new greenie huh how's it feel to be promoted". "Feels great Ben" Chuck replied.

"Wow you were really moody" I said facing Minho" you could have said hi". "Well sorry but to me you were just another annoying greenie nothin special so I didn't care". "Rude" I said and pouted.

"I thought no one was allowed to leave" Thomas asked.

"I was just gonna say that" Scott said.

"I said we weren't allowed to leave there different there runners they know more about the maze than anyone" Chuck accidentally said. "Wait what" Thomas said. "What" Chuck replied. "What you just said maze" Thomas said. "I I I did" Chuck stuttered. Yeah Thomas said.

"So your telling me that behind those walls was a huge maze" Mason said. "Yep" I replied popping the P. "Intense" he said.

"But how did you get out" Liam asked. "By working together most of the time" Frypan said "but that doesn't mean we didn't loose people" Minho added.

Gally still wasn't talking but I knew it was best to just leave him for now until he had a clear mind.

"I assume Chuck didn't make it" Scott said softly. "No no he didn't" I replied not wanting to add anything else.

"Alright next" Kate said.

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