Chapter 5- Gally shoving Thomas

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"Ok so next I'm sure will perk Gally up" Kate said. "Why" I groaned. "Do you remember when he pushed you" Kate said. "Oh yeah" I laughed I kind of like this one although it did hurt at the time.

"Wait you and Gally weren't friends" Chris said shocked. "Nope enemies he hated me for no reason" I stated. "No I hated him because he brought change and I hate change" Gally said.

"Ok pack members you might not like this video because part of your pack is being hurt please try to contain your anger use your montras if that helps" Kate suggested which was actually pretty good.

We see inside the walls of the maze. Thomas is stood looking inside and looks like he will run in any second. Chuck is stood in the background. Suddenly Gally shouts "hey" and Thomas is shoved away from the walls onto the floor.

I heard all the werewolf's growling. Malia then stands up with her fangs out. I quickly stood up "Malia Malia calm down look I'm ok calm down". I look behind me and see Gally who actually looks a little frightened.

I turned back to Malia "STILES LET ME AT HIM LET ME GO" she was shouting. "Umm Scott little help" I whispered. He rolled his eyes and roared. All the supernatural creatures eyes glowed and everyone in the pack bowed there heads for a seconds including me.

Malia then said "sorry sorry" and looked at me in the eyes. "I've had difficulty controlling after you left you were my Anchor". "It's fine" I said "RIGHT GALLY" I shouted "yeah yeah" he replied. "Hey hermano what was that you all just bowed your heads" Jorge said.

"Oh yeah it's like a pack thing Scott is the Alpha so when he roars it makes the rest of us pay attention and focus on him and it also makes the supernaturals of our group come back to being human". "Oh" Jorge said.

Thomas was now on the floor with Gally above him "we gotta stop meeting like this greenie" he said. Thomas then started to stand up get off me. Once he was stood up Gally blocked the maze opening with his arms out as Thomas tried to leave. "Calm calm calm calm calm" Gally spoke "just take it easy" Alby said. "What the hell is wrong with you guys" Thomas said after all the gladers had ran to him and Gally.

"Why was it so bad if you left" Peter said. Just watch I grumbled.

"Just calm down alright" Newt said. "NO NO WHY WONT YOU TELL ME WHATS OUT THERE" Thomas was now shouting. "We are just trying to protect you man" Alby said calmer. "It's for your own good" Newt said. "YOU GUYS CANT JUST KEEP ME HERE" Thomas stated. "I can't let you leave" Alby said. "WHY NOT". Something then from behind Thomas started whirring and creaking. Thomas then turned around only to be met by a huge gust of wind and a groan come form the maze all the gladers out there hands infront of there faces. "What the hell" Thomas whispered. The walls in front of them started to close making load noises as they did so. Thomas looked shocked and confused as to what was happening. The walls then finally closed with a bang. The gladers started to walk away but Thomas still stood. As Gally left he said "next time I'm gonna let you leave".

"No no that's not possible the walls are to big for that to happen and they are made of stone so they couldn't be moved" Mason was saying trying to make scientific sense of this.

"You were trapped" Scott said sadly "we just thought at first you didn't want to talk to us then that you were dead but you were out there fighting for your life". "Hey Scotty it's fine I'm here now and I made it out I wasn't there for long these guys however were there for years" I said motioning to the others.

"We should have looked for you more or done something more" my dad was saying in despair. "Dad there was nothing you could have done I don't care if you guys are supernatural you couldn't have saved me I'm just glad I get to see you all again".

"Oh stop being all soppy let's move on to the next one" Kate said.

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