Chapter 12- Ben Is Banished

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"Before we watch the next video I will have to explain what happened before" Kate said.
"Basically when you saw Stiles or Thomas go to get fertiliser he bumped into Ben who was one of the runners with Minho but Ben had been stung by a griever one of those things Newt was talking about earlier, and when you get stung you go crazy and try to kill everyone so this is the gladers way of making sure you don't hurt anyone" Kate explained.

"I'm so confused" Malia said. "The video will explain it" I replied.

Ben is on all fours on the floor with all the gladers behind him holding poles.

"He kind of looks like and animal" Ethan said. "That's what the sting does to you" Minho said and from his voice I could tell he was heartbroken having to watch this.

Thomas and Chuck are stood further back than everyone else and Thomas looks confused.

"Did you know what was happening Son" dad asked. "No or I would have tried to stop it" I replied looking down.

Minho is stood in the middle of the poles with Ben who is still on the floor. The maze doors start to close. Alby shouts "POLES" and all the gladers move there poles so Ben cannot escape.

"What the hell" I heard Lydia whisper.

Ben then starts to move seeing he has no way out. Chuck looks horrified so he walks away back to the main area of the glade. Thomas carries on watching what is happening.

Ben then stands up looking for a way out. "Move in" Alby says and all the gladers move towards Ben making it so he will eventually have no choice but to go into the maze.

"This is barbaric" Melissa stated. "We had to protect everyone and this was the only way to do it" Minho explained. And everyone went silent.

Ben starts to push against the poles "please please No please wait" he begs as the doors to the maze close more and more. "PLEASE NO NO DONT DO THIS LISTEN TO ME" he screams. Thomas moves closer to everyone.

"How could you just watch that" Hayden said tears streaming down her face. "Trust me we all regret it no matter how much we try to tell ourselves it was right" Gally said.

"NO PLEASE NO" Ben carried on begging as the gladers continued to move in. Ben was finally pushed into the doors and he had no choice but to go into the maze or he would be squished by the doors. "NOOOOOO" he screamed one final time as the doors closed. Thomas stood in shock of what just happened.

"That is gonna give me nightmares" Peter stated. "I can't believe we did that" Minho said putting his head in his hands. No one spoke for a while not until Kate said "that's enough moping next video".

Hey guys so sorry this has taken so long to come out but it is finally here I hope you enjoy 🖤

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