Chapter 11- We Can't Escape

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I could tell that a lot of people were pissed at me but in my heart I know I didn't tell Brenda to save her from herself. "Can you just play the video already" I grumbled. "Gladly" Kate replied.

Thomas Newt and Zart are in the glade gardening. "Did anyone try climbing to the top" Thomas asks. "Tried it the ivy doesn't go all the way to the top and besides where are you gonna go from there" Newt replied.

"Stiles come on did you really think they hadn't tried that" Derek said. I rolled my eyes "sorry if I wanted to get out of that hell hole" I replied coldly.

Thomas then said "well what about the box you know next time it comes up get back....." Newt interrupted "no we tried that the box won't go back down with someone in it."

"Wow he was impatient with you" Minho said. "Well I did ask a shit ton of questions" I replied.

"Well what if we....." Thomas started. "No we tried it alright twice alright trust me anything that you think of we have already tried the only way out here is through the maze" Newt interrupted.

"Thinking about it that is pretty terrifying" Scott then said. "Yeah no kidding Frypan grumbled.

Newt then said "now look you want to be helpful here" He picked up a basket and threw it at Thomas "go dig us up some more fertiliser".

Mason then started laughing "really that was your job there picking up poo". "Well not exactly let's just say things got complicated pretty quickly after this".

Thomas then took the shovel out the basket and walked off tripping over a piece of wood as he went.

"That's the Stiles I know always tripping over everything" Melissa said. "I don't know whether to be offended or flattered" I replied causing her to laugh.

I looked over to Brenda who gave me a slight smile. I then walked over to her "look I am sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want to cause you unnecessary pain and....." "stop talking Thomas" she said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I understand why you did it but you also have to understand it was my choice to make not yours" she said. I nodded. "Look I don't want us to be arguing you are like my brother so I'm willing to forget this ever happened if you are agreed" she said. "Agreed" I replied.

"Ughhh enough with the niceties already I want to go back to ruining you life" Kate said. "Next video then" I said rolling my eyes.

Hi everyone sorry it has taken me so long to update hopefully in the future the wait won't be as long.

Thanks 🖤

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