Chapter 9- Thomas and Gally fight

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"This one is one of my favourites Gally and Thomas's fight" Kate said.

"Ahh yes Greenie remember this it was one of the best nights in the glade in my opinion" Gally said. "Really that surprises me considering you lost" I replied. "Ooooooo" the gladers said.

"I'm starting the video before this ends in another fight" Kate said.

"Right well that's enough questions for one night your supposed to be the guest of honour" Newt said.

"I thought we were going to see you fight" Parrish said. "Just wait" I replied.

"Oh no no" Thomas says shaking his head. Newt ignores him and says "no no no come on let me show you around". Thomas tries to stay sat down but Newt pulls him up.

Gally shoves another gladers on the floor while the others cheer for him.

"Wow so you were like popular in this place you were living" Liam said to Gally. "No not at all in fact most people thought I was a dick but as you can see I always won the fights so no one stood up to me" Gally replied. "Oh" Liam said.

Thomas and Newt walked around the circle of people. "And over there we have got the builders" Newt said pointing to a group. "Great with there hands but not a lot going on upstairs".

"HOW RUDE I can't believe he said that" Gally shouted and we all laughed. "I assume you were a builder" my dad said. Gally just glared at him.

"And we got Winston who's the keeper of the slicers" Newt said and Winston was shown laughing with some gladers.

"Winston" I sighed "I wish he was here".

"And then we got our two medjacks Clint and Jeff" Newt said pointing as they walked past him and Thomas. "Oh hey what's up" Clint and Jeff said. "They spend most of there time bandaging up the slicers" Newt said chuckling.

"That is so true" Frypan said.

"What if I wanna be a runner" Thomas asked.

"I seriously will never understand why you were u were so set on being a runner I mean when Alby told me I was a runner I punched him" Minho said.

"I don't know I just didn't want to be stuck there I guess" I replied. "Well you are one crazy bastard" Jackson spoke.

"Have you just listened to a word I said no one wants to be a runner" Newt said confused.

"Son why would you want to put yourself in that much danger" My dad asked. "I don't know can we just let it go" I said.

"And besides you've got to get chosen" Newt said. "Chosen by who" Thomas asked but was interrupted by another glader being shoved into him. Thomas fell but picked himself up just in time he then pulled his shirt down. Gally stated at him "well what do you say greenie want to see what your made of." "Greenie greenie greenie" all the gladers started chanting.

"Well that's not peer pressure at all" Melissa said and we all laughed. "You can tell you are a mum" Jorge spoke.

The chanting got louder and louder until everyone was just screaming and shouting forming a circle around Thomas and Gally. "Ok alright the rules are simple greenie I try to push you out the circle you try and last more than five seconds" Gally said as all the gladers laughed.

"I really think me and you will get along" Peter said to Gally who just smirked.

"Go easy on the greenie Gally" someone shouted. "Ready" Gally said and shoved Thomas to some gladers behind him when Thomas bounced forward Gally then shoved him to the floor. Thomas landed face first into the sand.

"I knew it there is know way you were going to win this" Jackson said. "Just wait" Minho replied for me.

Thomas coughed and spluttered for a second before turning around to face Gally who said "come on greenie we're not done yet". Thomas stood up and shook his shirt again. "Stop calling me greenie" he spoke with determination. "Oooooo" all the gladers said. Alby was stood with his arms crossed watching how everything went. "Stop calling you that what do you want to be called shank" Gally said amused.

"Wow I was really mean for your first night" Gally said to me. "Yea tell me about it" I groaned.

All the gladers were laughing at Thomas. "What do you think boys does he look like a shank" Gally asked. Thomas then ran at Gally who grabbed him by the shoulders. They pushed each other for a bit before Gally shoved Thomas to the ground once more. "You know what I think I've settled on shank".

"You know I'm starting to really not like you" my dad said looking straight at Gally. "Dad chill we ended up fine in the end".

Thomas ran at Gally one more time. Gally pushed Thomas back to the edge of the circle but at the last moment Thomas pushed Gally to the side making him fall out the circle. Minho looked very impressed at the side of the circle. "Ohhhh" all the boys shouted.

"Yes stiles" Scott said "I always knew your quick thinking would come in handy one day". I laughed "yep it really did."

Gally looked really mad. Thomas then started to say "not so bad for a greenie" but before her could finish Gally flipped round pushing his legs under Thomas's causing Thomas to go tumbling to the ground. His head hit the ground.

"Well that was just unnecessary" Liam spoke. Gally just held his hands up.

Thomas's eyes then opened wide as he whispered "Thomas" he then sat up "Thomas". "Hey" he said quickly standing up "Thomas I REMEMBER MY NAME IM THOMAS" he shouts. "THOMAS" Alby screams pointing at him in the middle of the circle.

"Why did they give you a fake name" Mason asked. "I don't know" I replied "maybe because someone" I said looking at my dad "gave me a name nobody can pronounce". Everyone laughed.

All the gladers cheer and push into the middle of the circle. Frypan gives him a drink "welcome home Thomas" he says as Thomas drinks it then spitting it up into the air.

"Well at least now we know you can protect yourself" Derek said. "You have no idea" I replied. "NEXT VIDEO" Kate shouted.

Hi sorry this had taken so long I was busy with school but it's out now.

Thanks 🖤

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