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Jay wanted me to come over into the front room and watch Avatar with him.

"where is everyone"? i asked, to hopefully start a conversation. "Max is upstairs, Tom and Kelsey are on a date with Seev and Nareesha, and i'm pretty sure they are recording that double date for the the show" he replies, sounding extremely bored. I don't blame him. the cameras are always fixated on the boys with girlfriends, it's boring for the rest of us.

he smiles at me while he says that, one of his many curls falls in the front of his face, oh how i love when that happens.

"at least, we aren't the ones being recorded 24/7 though", i quickly say, to break the silence. Why am i so awkward? Come on, Nath, stop being like this.

he found me.  - a Jaythan fanfic Where stories live. Discover now