Chapter 8: "I'm back now. For Good."

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Nathan's POV:

"Nathan..." Jay said, tearfully as he ran up to me and put his arms around me.
Oh, how i missed his hugs..

After some time, Jay finally took his arms from my side and sat down on my bed, so i placed myself next to him, it felt great to be next to him again.

"So.. are you back for good now? Or what?"
he asked me, with a little worry in his voice.

"I'm back now, for good, and i'm not leaving anytime soon. I promise" i say, looking at him right in the eyes.

Our eyes locked again, except he turned away quicker this time because one of his curls got in the way of his eyes. He's so adorable.

"so why were you asleep in my bed in the first place?" i asked, jokingly, to make the silence less awkward,
Jay came up with some excuse that he was packing my bags for me but i don't believe him. I wanna know the real reason but he probably won't tell me to be honest, that's just Jay for you.


Jay's POV:

what else excuse could i have used?
'oh yeah Nathan i was lying in your bed because i'm in love with you and missed you so much'
let's hope he believes my random, pressured, response.

I went over to the pillow-side of the bed and leant against the wall.
"you wanna see what you missed?" I asked Nath, pulling out my laptop from my bag.

We watched a few interviews and performances and that's when i noticed, Nathan had fallen asleep leaning on my shoulder. His beautiful brown hair reflecting off the light of my laptop. He's perfect.

I turn off my laptop and lay down myself, keeping Nathan asleep on my shoulder. I put my arm around him, slowly, trying not to disturb him. Oh, how I wish moments like this would last forever.


Nathan's POV:

I scratch my head and stretch. Trying to work out my surroundings. Well i definitely was in my room in the L.A house, which was nice.

I sit up and notice someone laying beside me.
It was Jay. Why Jay? He's adorable when he sleeps though.
I lay back down next to him and start playing with his curls, accidentally waking him up.

I quickly move my hand from his hair but not fast enough that he notices me.
"morning Nath", he says, trying to be cute.

"what happened last night? I only just woke up" I say, staring into the deep blue eyes of his.

"oh, you came back from the hospital and you sort've fell asleep on my shoulder" he says, clearly blushing.

I also start blushing, really? me? falling asleep on Jay? At least i didn't reveal much, about my feelings, that is.


A few hours later and all the boys are on their private plane leaving L.A to come back to England. All of the boys are asleep except from Siva and Nathan.

Siva decides takes this opportunity to sit next to Nath.
"soo... what's happening between you and Jay then?" He asked, smirking.

"Nothing... why?" Nathan said, trying to stay calm but couldn't help thinking of last night.

"Well i saw him leave your room this morning and he got dressed up just for you when we went to see you in the hospital" Siva admitted, while walking back to his previous seat across the plane.

Nathan looked out the window and tried to hide his blushing.
Did Jay really get dressed up.. for me?

Finally, the boys and their girlfriends arrived back in England and booked a hotel in London, the only one available only had 4 rooms so Nathan said he didn't mind sharing one with Jay, because he was desperate on wanting to know how Jay felt about him.


Jay and Nathan were sitting mindlessly on their shared double bed, with nothing to do.

"So... Seev kinda told me that you got dressed up for me?" Nathan admitted, scared.

"he did? oh i was just.. wanted to look nice that's all.." Jay's voice trailed off.

As Nathan tried to speak, Jay got annoyed at him.
"Look Nath, it doesn't matter, alright. Just leave it." he said storming out of the room. Honestly regretting it as soon as he did it.

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