Chapter 1

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Luka Couffaine couldn't get the melody he was playing on his guitar out of his head. It had been there from the second he had first met Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Hearing melodies around people was normal for him, but there was something special about Marinette's, he just couldn't figure out exactly what it was and it was driving him crazy. Actually, he had to admit that she was also driving him a bit crazy because though he liked her, and he was pretty sure part of her liked him, she hadn't chosen him yet because part of her also liked someone else. But, he was a patient person. He was willing to wait for her to figure out her heart. 

 He kept playing her melody as he thought about her and the more he played it, the more he felt like there was something incomplete about it, which didn't make sense to him. People's melodies didn't usually seem incomplete, they just were. This was yet another one of the many mysteries surrounding Marinette.

"Luka?" called Juleka softly as she stood just outside the bedroom of their houseboat. She could hear her brother quietly strumming on his guitar around the corner from where she stood. There was no actual door to the room to tell her to keep out, but she knew he usually didn't want any company when he was composing. And while she didn't want to interrupt him if he was working on a new song for their band, Kitty Section, she had a question that she just couldn't keep to herself any longer. When the music continued, she tried again.

"Luka?" she said a little more loudly. The guitar stopped and she heard footsteps and then her slightly older, blue-haired brother appeared in the doorway. He cradled his guitar with one arm while his other hand rested on the door frame, blocking the room slightly. His posture indicated that he wasn't necessarily interested in company, but Juleka knew he would make time for her if she asked.

"Hey, Juleka," he said. "Did you need something?" His aqua blue eyes were completely focused on her face giving her all of his attention.

"Can I come in? I need to ask you something. It's been bothering me," said Juleka.

"Sure," said Luka, grateful to have an excuse to take a break from Marinette's incomplete melody, as he was becoming a bit too obsessed with it. He moved aside and gestured for her to come in.

Juleka walked in and headed toward her bed at the far side of the room they shared and then flopped down on it, her legs dangling over the side. She stared at the multi-colored ceiling, which was really just the painted underside of floorboards of the houseboat deck above them, and tried to decide how to say what she wanted to say. It was something that no one in the family ever talked about, though she didn't understand why.

Luka followed her over to the bed and lay down beside her, mimicking her posture but putting his hands under his head, and he then joined her in staring at the ceiling. He waited patiently for her to tell him what was on her mind.

Finally, after quite a few minutes, Juleka said "I was thinking about what happened yesterday, with Jagged and mom and them talking about when they were in the band together and how she eventually left the band. I mean I know she was in a band with Jagged but I guess I just hadn't seen them together before. The way they talked, it . . . it seemed like they knew each other really well. Like really well. So . . . I guess my question is . . . do you know how well they knew each other?"

When Luka didn't immediately respond, Juleka turned her head briefly to look at her brother, whose expression didn't reveal his thoughts at all, before looking back at the ceiling and continuing with her questions. "Has she ever talked about it around you because she's never talked about the band at all around me, only some mumblings about stuff when she hears news about Jagged. Do you think they were ever together? Like together-together?"

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