Chapter 36

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When the days passed and no video of Ladybug transforming ever surfaced, Marinette started to relax a bit, at least about that particular topic, but she was feeling stressed about everything else as the date of Luka's departure loomed in the very near future.  She had been helping to make sure everyone knew where they were supposed to be and when.  She was like an extra Penny, always there with her lists to check off and the reminders constantly being messaged to everyone's phones.  All of these things were assigned to herself by herself in hopes that it would keep her brain busy and not drift to those other things she didn't want to think about. Despite her upset feelings, the recording session with Kitty Section for Jagged's new album had gone really well and everyone had an amazing time.  And the rehearsals for Jagged's Paris concert had also been going great.  Everything was just about ready.

It was now just one day until the concert and Marinette was allowing herself to laze in bed, one of the first times she'd done so in weeks.  But, she couldn't stop herself from double checking the schedule for the day on her phone.  There was one final rehearsal this afternoon, but then she saw that she and Luka had the evening unexpectedly free.  It felt like a special present- some time to themselves, but what to do?

Marinette brought up her texts and messaged Luka.

"Want to do something tonight, just the two of us?" she wrote.  She pushed send and then waited.  A minute later he responded.

"I would love that. Dinner and ?" wrote Luka.

"Dinner and ? sounds good," she wrote and couldn't help giggling a bit, despite it not being that funny, but she was trying her best not to be depressed.

"So are you or I figuring out the '?' ?" he replied.

"How about we both come up with an '?' and we choose what sounds the best?"

"Okay.  See you at rehearsal?"

"Yes.  Love you and see you then," she typed and then stopped before pressing send when she saw what she wrote without even thinking about it. I love him?  When did this happen? She thought back on all of the time they'd spent together, how sweet and supportive he'd been, every moment of how well they got along and how well they understood each other, the warmth of their kisses, not wanting to be apart from him and she suddenly knew it was true.  I love Luka!  And I need him to know that before he leaves.  But, how do I tell him?

Her phone dinged and she saw Luka's message of "Everything okay?  Do you not want to come to rehearsal, because you don't have to"

She smiled.  He was always making sure she was okay.  It was nice to have someone in her life that checked in with her just enough to feel cared for but not too much that it felt smothering.

"Yes, I'm fine.  Just got distracted.  And of course I'll be there.  See you then!" she then added a heart emoji and pressed send. Thoughts of what she could do to make tonight special flitted in and out of her mind as she mindlessly went through the motions of getting ready for the day.  Eventually, she settled on something that she thought might be special and started a mental list of the things she needed to do before tonight.

- - -

"Bye, Penny, Jagged.  Thanks for the ride!" said Marinette as she and Luka were dropped off in front of her house after the afternoon rehearsal.  Luka added his thanks and then they both headed into the bakery.

"How did rehearsal go?" asked Sabine as they entered the bakery.  She stopped sweeping and looked at them attentively.

"It was good," said Luka.  "I think we're all a bit nervous about it, but we are as prepared as we can be."

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