Chapter 5

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Marinette, Luka, and Juleka sat on the couches in the living room of the houseboat, hanging out after their Kitty Section rehearsal.

"What do you think about these sketches for some new costumes?" asked Marinette. The band didn't really need new costumes, but she always enjoyed designing new things. She was done with all of her commissions for Jagged, which unfortunately left her with no reason to go to his hotel suite and poke him about Luka and Juleka. She wondered whether he was so quick to approve her designs just so he wouldn't have to see her. A frown crossed her face at that thought, which was noticed by Luka.

"What's wrong, Marinette? Do you not like your designs?" asked Luka. He moved a bit closer to her so he could get a better look at her drawings. He studied the sketches of new masks and t-shirts. "I really like our current costumes, but I like these, too. What would you make the masks out of?" When Marinette didn't reply, he gently touched her shoulder. "Marinette? Is everything okay?"

"What?" asked Marinette, startled to find Luka sitting so close to her. Her faced heated up a bit as she registered the warmth of his hand on her shoulder. "No. I mean . . . yes!  Everything's fine.  I was just . . . a little distracted." And now I'm even more distracted in a different way! she thought as her mind continued to focus on Luka's touch.

"I take it it wasn't a good distraction," he said.

"No, your h . . . hand is a good distraction," said Marinette without thinking.

Luka chuckled softly. "I'm glad, but that wasn't what I was asking. You were looking at your sketches and frowning. Was there something about them that you didn't like? Maybe if you talk about it, the problem will become clearer." He waited patiently for her to talk.

"No, Luka, that wasn't it. I was thinking about Jagged and how now that I've finished the designs for him, I have no reason to go to the hotel. I don't know how to help you and Juleka anymore. I'm sorry," she said.

"It's okay, Marinette," said Luka and he moved his hand from her shoulder and gently took her hand in his. "I didn't expect you to figure out everything for us. It's not your job."

"I know that, but you're my . . . my friends and I wanted to help you. I really thought I could, but I don't know what to—" Marinette was interrupted by a call on Luka's phone.

Luka looked at the screen and saw an unfamiliar number. He was about to decline it when Marinette suddenly recognized the digits and stilled his hand with hers. "I remember that number. It's Jagged! Go on, answer it!"

Luka accepted the call and put the phone up to his ear. Marinette saw Juleka put down the phone she had been using to text Rose and watched her brother's face as he talked.  The two teenage girls listened closely, trying to hear what Jagged was saying.

"Yes. Okay. We'll be there. See you then," said Luka and then he hung up. He put the phone in his lap and stared down at it, hardly able to believe what he just heard.

"Well?" said Marinette. "Don't keep us waiting! What did he say?"

Juleka tried to read Luka's face, but it told her less than it usually did. "Luka?" she said.

Luka looked up and caught Juleka's eye. "He said he's our father and he wants to meet us tomorrow!"

"Eeeeeee!" squealed Marinette in happiness and she threw herself at Luka, giving him a congratulatory hug. Luka wrapped his arms around Marinette's waist, returning her hug and then gestured Juleka over with one arm and gathered her into a group hug. When Marinette finally realized what she was doing, she disentangled herself from Luka's arm and sat down next to him on the couch. Juleka then sat down on Luka's other side. All three of them stared at the opposite wall wondering what came next.

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