Chapter 35

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Cat Noir paced back and forth on a rooftop near to Marinette's going over everything that had happened earlier in the day. He was still having a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that Marinette was Ladybug. When he had raced away from Calypso and toward Ladybug, he had done a good job of putting aside his amazement at learning his partner's secret identity so he could help Ladybug out of the clutches of the Eagleman, who had her in one of his talons. But, as soon as they had defeated him, and Ladybug had captured the akuma and then righted everything with the help of the Miraculous Ladybugs, he couldn't help staring at Ladybug as if he'd never seen her before. And, really, that was true- he had never seen her for who she really was before. Ladybug had turned awkward under his regard and quickly left the scene and he had found himself near Marinette's house trying to decide what to do next.

Am I even allowed to know her secret identity? She's always said we can't know. Does this mean that one of us- or both of us- can no longer have a Miraculous? I'm not okay with that! So, do I tell her I know and risk losing her? But, wait- Luka knows her secret identity! Why is that allowed?  I wish there was someone who I could—

"Cat Noir, is everything okay?" asked Luka quietly, causing Cat Noir to literally spring six feet into the air in his surprise.

When he landed he turned around and gazed in shock at Luka. "How did you . . .? Where did you . . .? How—?"

"I saw you up here pacing when I left Marinette's. I called up to you, but you didn't hear me, so I climbed the ladder over there. Is something wrong?"

Cat Noir pushed both of his hands through his hair, while avoiding his cat ears, as he tried to sort through his jumble of thoughts. He chuckled awkwardly and then repeated Luka's words "Is something wrong? Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Luka studied Cat's face trying to figure out what the superhero meant.

"I saw something today and I just can't figure out what to do about it. It's pretty much turned my world upside down and how I decide to deal with it could potentially make things worse. I have no idea what to do," he said. He then squatted down and held his head in his hands, feeling like the decision was squeezing at him.

Luka watched Cat Noir in concern and walked over and sat down facing him. He then caught Cat's eyes with his and raised his eyebrows in interest.

Cat shook his head in disbelief at what a good friend Luka was to everyone, always making time to help. He sat down to face him and then said "I know that Marinette is Ladybug." He watched closely to see whether Luka reacted to the words, but there was no trace of emotion on his face.

While Luka was shocked that Cat Noir finally figured it out, he tried his best to cover for Marinette, as she had told him that other people knowing her identity would put her ability to keep her Miraculous at risk. So, he calmly said "Are you sure? I can't believe that she—"

"Don't bother denying it. I saw it with my own eyes today. You were both in the alley when she transformed before going to fight the Eagleman," said Cat Noir.

"You were following us," said Luka, not as a question.

"Yes, because I wasn't the only one. Calypso was, too," he said. "And I think she got Marinette's transformation on video," he said darkly. "I tried to get the phone from her but then Ladybug was screaming, so I dealt with the immediate threat first. I'm sorry I failed to protect her."

Luka's head was whirling and he felt a bit faint as his heart started racing at the potential danger of exposure Marinette was now in because of Calypso. He stood up abruptly and he noticed that Cat Noir followed him.

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