Chapter 34

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"Do you really think Calypso has given up?" asked Cat Noir as he stood near the edge of the rooftop, staring off over the city.

"She seems to have," said Ladybug. She was standing a few feet away from him, trying to focus on the city, but distracted by her thoughts of how soon Luka was going to be leaving. Is it really less than two weeks now? she thought sadly.

"Yeah, but do you really think that she's—"

"Let it go, Kitty," she said sharply. She glanced toward him and saw the hurt on his face. She felt bad about it, but she didn't want to think about Calypso any more. Nothing had happened in over a week. She must have moved on, right? Ladybug nodded to herself, though a part of her felt that someone like Calypso would never give up that easily.

Cat Noir sat in silence, feeling wounded by the harshness of her tone. He was certain that Calypso was still out there and that she would soon be up to no good. He'd brought it up with Luka and Marinette, but they told him not to worry. Days had gone by and everything had been quiet, they said. And now, Ladybug essentially told him the same thing, though not nearly as nicely. He just wanted to protect Marinette and Luka, but no one seemed to think it was needed, that he was needed. Maybe part of it was that he was feeling more alone, now that there was no group problem to focus on.

No! That's not the whole reason I feel this way! he said to himself. I know she hasn't given up! I know it! He couldn't stop himself from trying one more time to get someone to talk to him about it. How could no one think what he did? He cleared his throat to get Ladybug's attention, as she had seemed to be quite distracted ever since he met up with her to patrol. "But, you don't really believe someone like Calypso is just going to give up, do you? There's too much money and pride involved."

Ladybug sighed and walked over to Cat Noir, stopping next to him. "You're probably right. But, I think Luka and Marinette just want to put this behind them and not worry about it anymore. They've said they don't want to concentrate on Calypso, that they want to enjoy the preparations for the recording session with Jagged and then the concert. And soon, Calypso will hardly matter anymore. Luka won't be here and Marinette will go back to being . . . anonymous. It's their choice. We can't force them to keep focusing on Calypso." Everything she said was true, she just hoped that Calypso wasn't there waiting in the shadows. None of them had seen even a glimpse of her anywhere, which she had to admit was a bit unnerving.

"Marinette isn't anonymous," Cat Noir said quietly. He saw Ladybug eye him strangely.

"You know what I mean. With Jagged's now famous son leaving town, photographers won't have any reason to take Marinette's photo any more. Things will go back to normal," she said.

Cat Noir didn't know if he agreed with that. If Marinette continued to be Luka's girlfriend, there would probably still be some interest in photos of her. And when Luka and Jagged left, there would be no one in Paris to protect her. Except me, he thought. I will be here and I will protect her from photographers like Calypso. But, in order to do that I need to be around her more. I need to join Kitty Section . . . and just be around her more! His heart raced at the thought of spending more time with Marinette. He decided to ignore what his heart seemed to be telling him and also to conveniently forgot his problems with his overprotective father- one thing at a time.

"Do you need me any more tonight?" he asked Ladybug. "It seems pretty quiet and I have some, um, things to do."

Ladybug was surprised as usually Cat Noir tried to spend more time around her rather than less. "Everything okay?" she asked him.

"Yep. I just need to take care of a few things. So, you're good?" he asked as he poised himself to launch to the next rooftop.

She nodded and was surprised when he took off without even a backward glance at her. That's really weird, she thought, but was somewhat relieved that he wouldn't be around to press her about Calypso again. She really did want to just forget about her. She'd spent too much time on her already.

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