Chapter 38

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As Cat Noir was racing to put Marinette in a safe place so she could transform into Ladybug, Calypso was anticipating her new power. She knew just what she would choose! But, as soon as the deep, silky voice of Hawk Moth entered her mind, she started to panic.

"What was I thinking?" thought Calypso. "From what I've read, hardly anyone is truly in control of the power Hawk Moth gives them and what will happen to Ladybug if Hawk Moth knows who she is? I didn't mean to put her into real danger. I'm so selfish and stupid and—"

"This is no time for regrets," purred Hawk Moth in her head. "You will be getting what you want and it sounds like you and I are of like minds. We both want to reveal Ladybug's secret identity so she can stop being a thorn in our sides. I will give you that power in exchange for Ladybug's and Cat Noir's Miraculous. Are we agreed . . . 'Revealer'?"

Hawk Moth's persuasive voice and his tempting deal were causing so much pressure in Calypso's brain that she put her hands to her head as if that could help her to resist what part of her knew was a bad deal.

"Come, come 'Revealer', time is wasting," said Hawk Moth, his voice still smooth but now with a tinge of impatience. "I am offering you the power you wanted and you know that this is what you need to do to show everyone how much smarter and better you are than everyone in your profession. You would be known around the world as the person who discovered Ladybug's secret. Any job would be yours for the taking."

Images of traveling the world and taking pictures flitted through her mind and it distracted her enough to allow Hawk Moth to prevail.

"So, are we agreed? The power to reveal the deepest secrets in exchange for the Miraculouses?" said Hawk Moth.

"Yes, Hawk Moth," Calypso found herself saying without even realizing it. She then felt power course through her.

Luka had been watching as Calypso seemed to be having some kind of silent discussion with Hawk Moth. It had seemed at first that she was going to resist him and Luka had tried to encourage her, saying anything he could think of to get her to make the right choice. But, none of it had seemed to reach her and now he could see the power building in her as she transformed. He made his mind concentrate on her and try to pick out her melody, to see if that could give him some information about what was happening. He closed his eyes and he eventually picked out a dark sounding minor key melody that had a clashing set of major key notes completely at odds with it. Luka had never heard such a confused melody in his life. He opened his eyes and tried to pull back from Calypso's song as it was becoming quite painful to listen to. Cat Noir soon joined his side and the two of them watched as Calypso's body began to shimmer and then she disappeared.

"Wait? What happened?" said Cat Noir to Luka. "She got akumatized, right?" He looked over at Luka for confirmation.

Luke could feel Cat's eyes on him, but he didn't want to take his attention off of where Calypso had last been. "Yes, she was akumatized."

"Then where is she?" he asked.

Luka closed his eyes and he could hear Calypso's song. His eyes shot open. "She's still here!" he said. Luka glimpsed a shot of blue light heading right toward Cat Noir and he quickly tackled Cat to keep him from getting hit.

Cat Noir landed hard on his shoulder with Luka half on top of him. They both quickly got to their feet, stood back to back, and scanned the area for Calypso.

"I am 'Revealer'" came a voice from somewhere behind them.

"That's a joke, right?" shouted Cat Noir as he turned his head toward where he thought the voice came from. "How can you reveal when we can't even see you? Why don't you reveal yourself? Or are you too scared to fight us face to face?"

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