Chapter 26

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When the elevator doors opened on the lobby, Calandra headed straight toward the hotel's front door and pushed her way out through the photographers.  She wanted to get some distance between her and Luka and Marinette.  She had the feeling that they distrusted her after their encounter, though she wasn't sure exactly why, but she didn't want to be seen hanging around the hotel right now in case they reported her to the main desk. 

Calandra walked for a few blocks and then sat down on a bench to try to think things through.  After a few minutes of replaying in her mind everything that had happened, she had to admit she had been careless today.  I never should have followed Luka quite so close and . . .  I gave such a stupid excuse!  I should have said anything except I was following him!  How about 'I got off on the wrong floor as I didn't realize another elevator button was pushed'? Or 'I heard Chloe Bourgeois' suite was on this level and I wanted to see if I'd run into her'?  Anything but what I said.  That's probably what made them suspicious of me!  Ugh, so stupid!    

She allowed the self-admonishment to continue for a minute before putting it aside and re-focusing on what was most important: how to get the photos she needed.  Ever alert for tips, even as she had made her way through the photographers, she had heard a buzz that they had just been told that Luka and Marinette were going to let photos be taken of them tomorrow at the carousel park.  While she didn't want to get the same photos everyone else was getting, it did present another opportunity for catching Luka and Marinette.  She just needed to figure out how.

- - -

"I'm not sure," said Cat Noir as he looked at the photo that Ladybug sent him.  "It's pretty blurry and missing half of her face."  He squinted at the photo and tried to tell if the picture was anything like the young woman he had talked to on the roof.  "I think Luka may need some photography lessons."

"He couldn't ask to take her picture, you know!  He did the best he could!" Ladybug said, feeling the need to defend Luka.  "Besides, the phone was in his pocket at the time."

"Oh, in that case, it's an amazing photo!  I'm surprised he even got part of her face if he wasn't even looking at the screen when he took it," he said.  "I guess I'd say the hair color looks the same, but that's about all. Sorry."

"That's alright," she said.  "I knew it was a long shot.  We'll just have to try something else. So, let's say that she will try to take photos of Luka and Marinette tomorrow.  The photos are being staged in the park, near the carousel.  I was thinking that I should follow Marinette closely, keeping an eye out for Calypso, and you should already be in the park," said Ladybug.

Cat Noir thought about it.  "Will they be coming straight from the hotel?  Or will Marinette be coming from her house, since it's right by the park?"

"The plan is for Jagged and Luka to pick Marinette up on the way, but for them to all be in the car together until they get out for the photos.  Fewer opportunities for rogue shots that way," she said.

He nodded.  "That makes sense. Okay, so I'll find a good spot to watch from in the park and you'll follow along with the car.  I have a good feeling about this- we're going to find her!"

"Don't jinx it!  There's a lot that can go wrong," she said.

"Well, it is just photographers and while they can make life pretty difficult, it could be worse. And anyway, we always have luck on our side from your Miraculous, right?" Cat Noir said.

"If only that charm worked for everyday situations," said Ladybug wryly, "then I might have a little better feeling about the success of this."

"You don't think this plan will work?  Not convoluted enough for you, is that it?" He chuckled.  "It is pretty straightforward.  Maybe you could just bring a random bag of items with you and then pull something out of it to solve any problems we encounter."

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