Chapter 30

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As soon as Sabine let Luka in, he raced up the stairs to Marinette's room. He could feel the questioning look that Sabine had thrown at him, but he couldn't deal with it until he knew that Marinette was okay. He opened the door to Marinette's room without knocking and what he heard when he entered surprised him.

"I'm just trying to protect you!" whispered Cat Noir, as he shoved one hand through his hair in obvious frustration.

"I don't need you to protect me! I can take care of myself," Marinette quietly hissed back, poking one finger at his chest.

"Everyone needs someone on their side and I'm just trying to—" Cat Noir stopped when he saw Luka now standing in Marinette's room. He backed a few steps away from Marinette. "Hi, Luka," he said, not quite able to meet Marinette's boyfriend's eyes. He knew he really had no right to interfere. He should have waited for someone to ask for his help, but had felt a bit out of control when he thought Marinette might do something that could end up hurting her more than things already had. "I should go," he said. He nodded to Luka and then couldn't keep himself from glancing a bit longingly at Marinette before he jumped up through the hatch in the roof.

"Ugh! I can't believe he just showed up here and wanted to take over and tell me what to do!" said Marinette as she walked over to Luka and gave him a big hug. "I'm glad you're here," she mumbled into his chest.

Luka couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Marinette pulled back from him, gave him a glare, and then lightly punched him in the arm to show him her displeasure. "Just what is so funny?"

"I'm sorry, but when I walked in, it was like your roles were reversed. It was amusing," he said.

"I don't get it," said Marinette and she walked over and sunk into her chaise. She lay back and stretched out her legs- the morning had been absolutely exhausting, just like every day had seemed to have been since Calypso had entered their lives. Luka walked over and then sat at the end. After a minute, she moved her legs so he could sit closer to her and then she laid her legs over his lap.

"So, what did you mean that our roles were reversed?" she said, no longer able to hold in her curiosity about what he meant, even though she still felt a bit annoyed with him for sending Cat Noir to 'babysit' her and now laughing at her.

"When you are around Cat Noir, you are usually the one who's in charge. You tell him what the plan is, what he needs to do or not do. You expect him to follow you whether he understands what's going on or not. You have a good partnership and you each understand your part in it. But, that is how he sees Ladybug, not you. When you are both in your superhero forms, you both have the power to protect each other. He thinks that you, as Marinette, are in need of protection now and he thinks, rightly or not," he added quickly when Marinette was about to start arguing with him, "that his superpowers can be used to protect you."

Marinette thought about what Luka said. "I suppose it did irritate me that he was trying to be in charge, because that is my role! But, of course, he doesn't know that. How could he?" She started to feel bad that she had been arguing with Cat. She knew he thought he was helping.

Right, how could he? Luka thought sarcastically, only just managing not to roll his eyes at how blind the two superheroes were. Now that he knew both Ladybug's and Cat Noir's secrets, he was starting to wonder if there was some way he could use that information to make sure Marinette had the support she could really use once he left Paris.

The more Marinette thought about what Luka said, the more she felt bad that she had been arguing with Cat. He had only been trying to help. "Maybe we could get him to come back? Help us with our plans? He was the one that got the picture of Callie after all." She looked over at Luka.

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