Chapter 14

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Once Luka walked Marinette back to school, he decided to take a walk. He hadn't felt like going home right away in case his mom was there and wanted to talk to him some more about his new relationship. After wandering around for awhile, Luka eventually found himself outside Jagged's hotel. He didn't remember deciding to walk that way, but there he was, so he walked around the now ever-present photographers and headed inside. He gave a small wave to the front desk attendant, who now knew who he was, and then headed to the elevator.

Calandra saw the nod of recognition of the front desk attendant from her spot in the lobby and quickly looked to see who was allowed to enter the rest of the hotel without checking in. She immediately recognized the blue-haired teenager who was somehow connected to Jagged Stone and decided that now was finally her chance to find out just where Jagged was hiding in the hotel. She calmly stood and then briskly walked toward the elevator. She planned to watch where the elevator stopped and then go up in a few minutes and wait in the hallway until Jagged came out of whichever  room was his. She'd finally get her photo!

Luka had just entered into the elevator, pushed the button, and then turned around when he saw a young woman racing toward him. He reached out to keep the doors from closing to hold the car for her.

For one moment, it seemed as if the young woman wasn't too happy with his actions, but the expression was quickly replaced by a friendly smile.

"Thanks for holding it for me," said Calandra as she entered the car and silently cursed the chivalrous boy. It would have drawn too much attention to not get into the elevator after he waited for her, but now she would have to change her plan a bit.

"You're welcome," said Luka. "What floor?"

Calandra noted the floor number and then replied "Same as you" as the elevator started moving.

"I think I've seen you in the lobby off and on over the last few weeks, haven't I?" asked Luka.

"You have?" asked Calandra in surprise. Very few people ever noticed her. She would have to be careful around him. He was too observant.

Luka nodded.

Since she was unexpectedly talking to someone who could finally lead her to Jagged, she thought she might as well act super friendly and see what she could learn. "I'm Callie, by the way."

"Luka," he said.

"I like your shirt. Is that a band logo?"

Luka nodded. "Yes, it's called 'Kitty Section'."

"I've never heard of it, but it's a really cool design," said Calandra.

"Thanks. I'll pass that on to my friend who designed it," said Luka. The elevator slowed and then the door opened. Luka gestured for her to go first.

Calandra had a moment of indecision, since she had planned to watch which way he went, but then decided to just choose a direction.

"Nice meeting you," she said and then randomly chose to go to the left, hoping he would go a different way.

"Bye, Callie," said Luka and he stepped out of the elevator and walked straight down the hallway.

As soon as Luka was out of sight, she stopped walking and listened to his receding footsteps, trying to guess how far down the hallway he was going. She heard him knock on a door, estimating it was approximately halfway down the hallway. When the door opened, she snuck a quick peek around the corner and saw the door closing. After a minute passed, she walked silently down the hall and jotted the room number in her phone. She now knew which room Jagged was in! She would definitely be able to get her shot soon!

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