Chapter 31

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Up on the rooftop deck, Alya was grilling Marinette for information. "Those were some hot photos of you and Luka online!"

Marinette groaned. "So, you saw them? It's so embarrassing." She gazed out over the city. While she wished she could erase those photos from Calypso's or Callie's- or whatever she's called- computer, she certainly didn't want to erase the memories of those kisses, as they were really good kisses. She turned a bit pink just bringing to mind their time together last night.

"Marinette, are you still there?" said Alya.

"Yes, yes, I'm here," she said.

"You were remembering what was going on in those photos weren't you?" said Alya knowingly.

"No comment," said Marinette automatically, smiling when Alya laughed. "Penny's been coaching us on what to do and say around photographers and journalists. You may have once been able to make me all tongue-tied with your questions, but you'll find it's not so easy anymore!" Marinette had meant it as a joke, but she was surprised to find that it was true. Everything that had happened, along with the overwhelming support of Luka, Penny, Jagged, and Cat Noir, made her feel more confident in herself.

"So, last I heard, you were going to try to figure out the identity of Calypso. How's that coming?" asked Alya. "Ella! Etta! Leave that seagull alone!" yelled Alya into the phone. Marinette cringed at the sound. "Oh, sorry, Marinette, we're at the beach. While I'm so proud of my mom for getting chosen as a guest chef for the restaurant here, I didn't really realize just how much babysitting I was going to have to do! I thought I was going to get to explore- I've never been to Deauville before. Instead I've been spending a lot of time chasing after the girls on the beach and the boardwalk and playing a lot of mini golf. A lot of mini golf," she said sounding beaten down and then trailing off into silence. "What did I ask you?"

"Calypso's identity?" supplied Marinette.

"Yes, any luck with that?" said Alya.

"We basically know who she is- a photographer named Callie- and we know what she looks like thanks to Cat Noir," said Marinette.

"Cat Noir? Really? He figured it out?" scoffed Alya.

"Well, the photo he took combined with what Luka and I knew gave us the complete picture," said Marinette.

"You made a pun! Just how much time have you been spending with Cat Noir?" said Alya.

"Come on, Alya, you know there's nothing like that between us.  And I don't think it was exactly a pun," said Marinette.

"Hey, Marinette?" said Cat Noir as he popped his head through the opening in the rooftop.

Marinette turned toward him and tried to motion him to be quiet, but it was too late.

"Is that Cat Noir? Because I know that's not Luka's voice! Is the super kitty there with you now?" asked Alya slyly.

Marinette could hear the smirk in her voice and she closed her eyes, but not before she noticed Cat Noir watching her curiously. "Yes, both he and Luka are here help—" 

"You've got two teenage boys—"

"Please don't even finish that sentence, because whatever the ending is, I do not want to hear it!" said Marinette firmly. She opened her eyes and noticed Cat Noir's eyebrows raise, indicating his increase in interest in the conversation, presumably due to her tone of voice.

"Okay, Alya, I gotta go. Talk to you later," she said and then hung up on the sound of her friend's laughter.

"Sorry for interrupting," said Cat Noir, though he couldn't help but wonder what Alya had been saying to Marinette, "but, Luka and I wanted to know how many copies you wanted us to print out. We were going to have it done when you came down, but since you're off the phone, do you want to see the photo before we print it?"

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