Chapter 8

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Kitty Section had announced an impromptu get-together the next day to try out their new song "Rainbow Sprinkles" and all of their friends had been invited to hear it and give them feedback. When their friends had then started requesting songs, the get-together had turned into a performance. While Luka loved playing with the band, his attention had been drawn to Marinette as he played.  Luka had already seen how Adrien's unexpected arrival, and then his words, had thrown Marinette earlier.  When the blonde boy had stepped on the boat hand-in-hand with the dark haired girl, he had announced to everyone that he and Kagami had "accidentally" missed fencing practice again, causing him and Kagami to smile and laugh with each other at their shared experience of escaping from their controlling parents.  While Marinette had smiled and welcomed both of them, Luka could tell that she appeared hurt and shocked that her crush had brought Kagami to a friend gathering, again. Adrien and Kagami were currently sitting quite close, with Adrien often leaning down to hear what Kagami was saying to him. Luka saw her patting Adrien's thigh occasionally and then they would laugh at some inside joke. He couldn't help but notice how Marinette's eyes kept darting toward Adrien who was sitting about twenty feet from her. Even from where he was, Luka could see the tears starting to form in Marinette's eyes. After watching the scene unfolding for many minutes, Luka came to a decision. He couldn't stand seeing Marinette so upset and thought that he could help, if only she would let him.

As the song rang out its last chord, Luka set aside his guitar and walked over toward Marinette.

"Any suggestions for the new song?" Luka said.

"What?" asked Marinette, her eyes now glued to Adrien and Kagami.

"The song?" he asked again, gently.

Marinette dragged her attention away from Adrien and tried her best to focus on what Luka was saying.

"Oh, well, um . . ." she said, trying her best to remember the performance, but ashamed to realize she hadn't paid any attention to any of it. Why did Alya have to babysit her sisters today instead of being here to help distract me from . . . them? she thought, giving another quick glance toward Adrien and Kagami, and then wishing that she hadn't when she saw Kagami touching Adrien's hair. She's obviously only pretending that something had fallen in his hair and that she is just helping him, rather than what she is really doing- running her hand through that golden hair that . . .

"Marinette?" asked Luka.

"I'm . . . I'm sorry. I'm just not myself today. It's just been too much . . ."

"Come with me," he said, determined to keep her from saying anything in front of everyone that could embarrass her if it got back to Adrien. He quickly took her hand and started to lead her down into the houseboat. She didn't resist and followed him down the stairs and then collapsed into the couch. She grabbed a pillow to hug and then curled into a ball, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to keep back the tears of hurt. Luka sat down next to her, his arm along the couch behind her, but not touching her, waiting to see if she wanted to talk about it.

Luka gave her a few minutes to try to control her tears and then asked "Do you want to talk about it?"

Marinette gave a little hiccup and then sat up. "I shouldn't burden you with this. You're always so nice to me even though sometimes I feel that am hurting you in the same way that Adrien is hurting me, though maybe what I am doing is worse because while Adrien doesn't know how I feel about him I sort of know how you—"

"Shhh," said Luka, gently put one finger on her lips to stop her from saying anything more. "It's not the same, Marinette. I am different. I fully accepted the friendship you offered me, knowing that it might never be more than that. While I hope someday it might be more, I want you to decide when you're ready. For now, I am happy to be here as your friend. And as your friend I can see that you are feeling really hurt. I think it may help to talk about it."

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