I think about what Rowan said, about Kameron,
what would have happened if Mark knew the truth?
I doubt that was part of the plan...
'Hey kori?' Rowan asks
'Your parents are here'
I leap up from the sofa, i was not prepared. I sprint up to my room and root around for something 'appropriete' i threw on a pair of leggings and jumper...I run down the hallway and come to a stop. I walk down the stairs elegantly and make my way towards the dining room.
'kori! Oh hun you look so grown up' mum said
I giggled 'mum it's only been three weeks!'
Mum got ahead of herself sometimes but overall the best mum ever, dad... Dad was okay, he didn't really speak to me less it was business but i guess mum made up for his absence.
'Valkyrie we have some things to discuss with you' dad said using his business voice. I surpressed the urge to roll my eyes and sat down next to Rowan.
'What is it dad' i sigh
'You remember Chase don't you?'
I stiffened. Rowan looked at me waiting for an answer
Chase. He was my ex, I'm sure everyone calls their ex crazy but Chase has unlocked a new level. At first he acted so nice, he was kind, gentle and met dad's standards as he owned a small company which was becoming increasingly popular, mum didn't like him one bit, i didn't know why and just shrugged it off. I had gone to his house to stay for a while and he returned home from a bad day at work, i simply asked if he was okay and he began screaming at me to get out of his house. That he hated me, he was only with me because of my father's company and the money. He hit me. And that was it, i ran to my parents and mum got so mad i was scared she would kill him... Not that ut would have been a bad thing. But dad said it was fine and he probably had a very bad day at work. HOW COULD HE SAY THAT? After that i didn't really talk to dad and mum scolded him for days. I never told them the extent of what he actually said, in fear that it could harm them but it still angered me that dad was bringing him up now i mean I'm married!
'Chase has come back and asked for your hand in marriage' dad said somewhat smugly
My blood ran cold. Who does he think he is? I swear if i see him I'm smacking him into the next generation.
'Unfortunately you are married so we were coming up with an alternative,-'
'Malekai what on earth are you saying? You know very well what that man did to our daughter and you are considering THIS? You are crossing the line.' Mum said firmly 'she is married now to an amazing man who meets all of your standards. I don't see why you have to bring him into this-'
'Mum it's alright, dad. I will not give consent to any sort of agreement you have with Chase.' I growl out.
Dad simply stood up and left
'I'll wait for you in the car.'
Mum sighed
'I'm sorry kori, but i wish the best for your marriage' she said softly, she gave me a hug and left the house.
'So...who is Chase?' Rowan asked, raising an eyebrow.
I roll my eyes 'Just your classic toxic ex! If he can't get me then no one can have me oh and he threatened my family and held me to knife point and promised to kill anyone i married or got together with.' i retorted
Rowan gulped
'Um this sould have been helpful if you told me before hand' he muttered.....
'I need new clothes. Your going with me' i order
He just nodds and goes to get the car keys.
And oh so very coincidentaly Charity walked around the corner.
'Oh!' She gasped 'I'm sorry miss, i...i i didn't mean...i-'
'No it's okay...did you hear everything?' I ask
'Um yes i did ma'am but i won't tell anyone!' She rushed
'Alright, Rowan and i are going shopping so we won't be back for a while' i say and she nodds.At the shopping mall i ran straight to a drug store, i searched for my skincare stuff as in Rowans house he had none. It's so unfair that his skin is soooo nice and he doesn't need to do anything to it! I have a literal hour long process just for my skin,
'What's all this for?' Rowan asked as if he's never seen any of it before.
'Ask Elizabeth. I'm sure she used YOUR money to buy her products' i mutter
'She never used any of this, she uses some cream and that's about it' he mused
Of course she did.
Of course she had perfect skin, perfect manners, perfect everything. Not that I'm jealous.
'Valkyrie? Is that you?'
I stiffened at the voice and whipped round
There was no way. This could not be a coincidence could it? I mean the only other person i told was charity...
'Who's this?' Rowan asked wrapping an arm around my waist, i flinched slightly before leaning against him.
'Um uh... This is C..Chase' i stutter. Oh god why does the stutter have to come now!
'Huh ok VV hi! I'm Rowan Valkyrie's husband'
VV??? Since when does he call me THAT? I mean it's not a bad nickname...but at the same time...WHY IS HE DOING THAT?
'Oh is that so. Well i guess you will be getting a divorce soon, no need to worry i will take care of her.' He said brightly
'this was not part of the plan' i whisper to Rowan. He nodds curtly
'Look here. I will not be divorcing her and you will not be getting her. Got it?' He walked up to Chase and subtly pressed a gun to his stomach,
His eyes widened
'I...of course i I'm s..sorry to bother you' he stuttered before running out of the shop.
I exhaled.
'You can let go of my waist now Rowan.'
'Oh right, my bad' he said
I smiled a little.??? POV
'Boss we're here but there isn't anything of use?'
Jeremy winced and continues to search.There they were.
'Sir i found her address'
'Good.' He chucked
Don't forget to vote and comment :) hope your enjoying so far!

Plot Twist
Non-FictionJust saying it's really bad so read at your own risk and don't say i didn't warn you Valkyrie is the 18 year old daughter of Malekai Creed who is the CEO of MC the second most successful company in Asia. Valkyrie is used to being free, how will she...