'YOUR WHAT?' I shout
'please don't shout' she whispers
I sigh. This was definatley not supposed to happen. I took a deep breath and scanned the room and my eyes fell on the man and woman who followed me here.
'What would you like me to do about it?' I say dropping my voice, they frowned
And Elizabeth began scanning the room before she realised.
'I want you to tell Rowan'
'Why would i do that?' I ask
'Please...please i need you to do this' she begs
I lean towards them 'be careful on your way out, there are two people following me, for what reason i don't know'
They nodded and i left.
'VALKYRIE! KORI WAIT A SEC' I turn to see Jeremy and i grin, he runs up to me and pulls me along,
'Come on! I have to give me sister a good time!' We laugh as he takes us to an amusment park and we run round going on all the rides that we used to love, i loved hanging out with my brother, but dad wanted him to focus on studies and take over the company, whenever JJ would take me somewhere for some fun, dad would always scold him, at the time i was to young to understand why dad was shouting at JJ, i thought it was because we arrived late or something. It was devastating when dad sent JJ away, he tried to visit as much as possible but his job began to get in the way, he was constantly at work and we only saw each other once a month.
Today i realised he kept looking over his shoulder.
'Are you expecting anyone?' I ask and he shakes his head
'Why do you keep looking over tour shoulder?' I ask
'The man is following us, i bet the woman is tailing Elisabeth and what's his face'
'Caspian' i corrected
He rolls his eyes
'How is your husband going to react?' He asks and i stiffen
'Not well' i say.
I lower my voice 'the guy that's following us...he can hear everything we're saying can't he' i ask
I sigh but he laughs, 'come on! I promised you a good time!'
Jeremy drove me home, i didn't realise how late it was until i stepped out of the car, it was dark.
I entered the house.
'Where were you'
Oh gosh
'I said where. Were. You.' Rowan had a dark expression on his face, nerves began building in my stomach
'I was with my brother' i whispered
'I told you not to leave!' He shouted, this reminded me to much of dad...
'I'm sorry' i whispered
'VV, are you alright?' He said walking towards me
'Yeah I'm okay' i whisper
'Thank god i thought they got you' he sighed with relief, i realised then that he wasn't angry that i disobeyed his order, he was worried that i got hurt.
I began to cry.
'VV? What's wrong? What happened?' Ro looked at me with so much concern in his eyes, it made me cry harder.
He carried me to my room and held me while i calmed down.... This is slightly embarrassing, i just sobbed into his nice dress shirt for no apparent reason...
'VV...is it your dad?' He asked
A shudder ran through my body.
He probably read my file, that's how he knows about dad. Dad never harmed me physically, mum would always make sure he wouldn't, but when mum wasn't there he starved me for days simply because i didn't complete the work or i didn't clean the counter properly. That's why i didn't refuse the marriage. Only Jeremy knows this, and i know he wouldn't tell anyone.
'Shhh it's okay I'm here' Ro sooths.
How on earth am i supposed to tell him about Elizabeth???? POV
'JEREMY! You're sure this information is correct?''Yes sir, she told me herself'
'Yes sir'
'What do you know of Valkyrie Creed?'
Thank you for reading:)
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Plot Twist
Non-FictionJust saying it's really bad so read at your own risk and don't say i didn't warn you Valkyrie is the 18 year old daughter of Malekai Creed who is the CEO of MC the second most successful company in Asia. Valkyrie is used to being free, how will she...