A traitor? But who? Why would someone do that! We have been friends since we were 5 and this person is just throwing us under the bus?
I don't even want to think about who it could be. Rosi is my bestfriend, Rowan is my boyfriend, Lizzie is Ron's sister, Ron is Rosi's boyfriend and Cas is Lizzie's boyfriend. Ugh.
Why? I really can't believe one of us did this. At least i know for sure it isn't Rowan. I was with him the entire time and he hasn't picked up a phone once.
I can't stand this. I get up and unlock the door,
'Where are you going?' Ro asks.
'On a walk. Don't worry I'll take Rosi with me' i say and he hesitates,
'What if Rosi is th-'
'No. Don't even think it.' I whisper. I go and wake Rosi up and we go for a walk.
'Why is this happening? I really don't want to loose anyone' Rosi sniffs and i give her a hug.
'I know, neither do i' i sooth, her breath hitches.
'W-what if...what if Ron...' Her voice breaks.
'It can't be right?' I whisper, but as of right now we have no proof. Hell Rosi could be the traitor, but i doubt it.
We continue walking and trading memories and ideas of who the traitor could potentially be. We were walking in a tunnell when i felt something crack against the back of my head.
I fell in pain and immediately started loosing consciousness, i fight to stay awake. I can't leave Rosi.
'Why...why..IT'S YOU! HOW COYLD YOU DO THAT TO US!' Rosi screams, she was panicking.
'Don't worry Val I'm going to get help okay? Just hang in there okay?' She says and begins sprinting back to the hotel. I was being lifted up and tossed over someone's shoulder, they were speaking but i couldn't hear...i closed my eyes.*Rowan*
Rosi bursts through the door and i jump.
'ROWAN! OH MY GOSH ROWAN!' She shreiks, Ron enters the room behind her.
'Rowan they took her! He...he...he took her!' She sobbs and drops to the floor.
'Took who. Rosi who took who?'
'He took her...he took Val!' She sobs. My entire world freezes.
He has Valkyrie.
'Who? WHO IS IT ROSI?' I shout but she just sobbs harder. Ok.
'Ron, get her to calm down. I'll go get Cas and Lizzie.' He nodds and i leave the room cautiously.
I knock on the door.
'Who...who is it?' Lizzie asks.
'It's Rowan. You and Cas have to come now. It's urgent.' I say impatiently.
'Ok.' The door opens revealing Cas and Lizzie, we run into my room and Rosi has just about calmed down. She looks up at us and shrieks again, she began hyperventilating and her eyes were wide.
'Rosi! What happened!' Lizzie asks running to her side but Rosi just closes her eyes and shakes her head.
'He took Val...HE TOOK VAL!' She sobs over and over.
'Who did?' Lizzie asks gently and Rosi just sobs harder.
'I'm sorry...i'm so sorry Lizzie' she sobs again and again. I grow impatient. Someone has VV and i need to know who.
'HIM! HE TOOK VAL. CAS! CASPIAN DID.' She shrieks suddenly.
'WHY? WHY WOULD YOU?' She shouts again through her sobs. Lizzie looks up at him,
'It..no she's confused...no it...it can't you didn't' she whispers.
I turn to Cas and his face has paled
'I...i'm sorry' he says before dashing to the window. I run after his but he turns around with a gun. Searing white hot pain erups from my chest and i fell.
Cas jumps through the window.
'ROWAN! CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!' I hear Ron shouting, i hear Lizzie sobbing over the phone.
And then i hear nothing.How could he do that?
I wake up tied to a chair.
'Typical' i mumble. I try and stand and then jump. The wooden chair splinters and i stand up wincing.
This is very easy...
I run towards the door and grab the handle. I scream as my arm jolts back
'Didn't think it would be that easy did you?' Caspian sneered.
Of course it's him.
'Actually i did, considering you have the IQ of a cow...actually no. I don't want to insult the cows. Let's just say you are very very stupid' i say sweetly and he tenses his jaw.
I look around the room and realise there is some wires running through the walls. I go and rip of the rubber coverings. I walk over to the door and clver it. I take a deep breath and...open.
'Seriously? You didn't even lock the door?' This guy has been training with me since the age of 10 and he doesn't know how to lock a door.
I walk through and is immediatly met with heat. I jump backwards i to the room.
Is...is that other room...on fire?
I've got to say points on dramatic. I take a deep breath and run straight through it. I ignore the burning sensation on my body, i use my arms to cover my face and leap into the next room. It is freezing cold.
At least it sooths my burns... I look down at my arms and wince, they are red. And blistering. I grit my teeth and lay down across the ice. It gives me a moments relief until an icicle falls centimeters from my face, i turn and see the ceiling covered in icicle. Great.
'Hey Cas...are you okay? Like mentally i mean. Cause this weird torture room is very very extreme.' I say
'Ah but he didn't design it'
My blood ran cold.
Ankther icicle fell, this time grazing my burned arm. I began to run. Another grazed my back. I launched myself i to the next room only tl be met by quicksand.
Is this guy for real?
I can't move. Oh God no. I take a deep breath and lay across the quicksand, i try shuffling my body across slowly. By laying down i increase the surface area...i hope. I go to the corner and stand up. Ok ok ok. I'm ok. I try to scoot across using the tiny bit of set concrete. I find It's becoming harder to move, considering i have setting concrete on my body, it's not unusual.
I slide into the next room. Ugh.
S...spiders. Oh hell no. I'll take the other three rooms any day. Just not the spiders.
I hesitate before sprinting across, i don't stop to see what I'm walking into and i fall.
Water. Great. I can't swim. I try to get to the side but it's hard as the concrete has set. I start thrashing so my limbs can move. I make it to the side and drag myself to the door on the other end. I emerge completely soaked. How long has it been?
'Hey Jaiden! I know you can hear me so could you be every so kind and tell me how long it's been?' I ask. My throat burns and my limbs ache.
'it's been three days. It's taken you 9 hours to get through a quarter of the course'
A QUARTER? 9 HOURS? I could have sworn i was faster than that.
There was nothing in this room. That's suspicious. I try and sit down anyway. May as well take a break. I scan my body and wince.
I'm soaking wet, my body is burned and concrete covers most of it. I lay down and close my eyes.
How on earth am i going to get through tomorrow?

Plot Twist
Документальная прозаJust saying it's really bad so read at your own risk and don't say i didn't warn you Valkyrie is the 18 year old daughter of Malekai Creed who is the CEO of MC the second most successful company in Asia. Valkyrie is used to being free, how will she...