We are still searching for VV. Caspian has disappeared, Lizzie is beyond upset and Rosi won't sleep until she finds her best friend.
It's chaotic, our once secure team is falling apart, one betrayed us, another is missing and the rest of us are barely functioning. Somehow, the bullet barley grazed my ribs, I'll put it down to Caspian's terrible aim, i got treatment and stayed in bed for a few weeks before getting up to find VV. I don't care if i'm hurt. I have to find her.*Rosalind*
I will find her. I have to find her. God it's all my fault, if i had fought back, maybe she would be here now, maybe we would have finished the mission by now...
'Rosi you have to take a break.' Ron pleads but i don't listen. I have to find Valkyrie.
'Please Rosi. You can't help her if your completly exhausted can you?' He reasons...that is true.... I sigh.
'Fine. Wake me up if something happens.'
I sigh again and go back to our room. I wonder what Val is doing now. Is she okay?*Valkyrie*
I can't. I can't take this anymore. I am currently hanging upside down from the ceiling with a drip pan beneath me. A DRIP PAN! I'm sorry i might mess up your floors but i didn't choose to be here.
I'm still covered in concrete but at least it's covering my burns...
'TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE' Jaiden shouts and slaps me again.
'ugh! I told you i. Don't. Know. We don't plan where we stay because someone could find out! And even if i did know i wouldn't tell you!' I shout. I spit in his face and try to escape again. I get another slap.
I'm genuinely surprised i havent passed out yet.
'what no more fun torture rooms? You ran out of ideas?' I mock
'No we have plently. But for now we will give you a choice. You can either chooss food or-' i cut him off
'Food. 100% yes please i am starving!' I am set upright and two bowls of food are put on front of me.
'One of them is poisened' jaiden says and the leaves.
I scoot towards the bowls and smirk.
In training they made me take a mithridatism class, so the poison that he chose happens to be the one i'm immune too. I can't wait to see the look on his face.
I finish both bowls of food and sigh happily.
'YOU IDIOT I SAID IT WAS POISONED' Jaiden had a panicked look on his face and i laugh.
'Aw is Jaiden worried?' I ask in a baby voice and he slams his hand on the table.
'Go get the antidote' he growls.
'Aw so even if i wasn't immune to it you would have given me the antidote?' I ask amused.
His face takes on a look of horror and irritation.
'You- you're immune too it? DAMN YOU.' He shouts and i laugh again.
'You know, someone might think you are worried about me' i tell him with a pout.
He grabs me and throws me backwards into a pool of water.
Oh god. Oh no.
My hands and feet are tied so i can't move. Panic begins to set in and i thrash trying to get air. My chest begins hurting and i get more and more desperate.
I accidentally try to take a breath and my nose burns. I end up gulping down the water unable to breath.
A pair of hands pull me up and my head breaks through the water, i gasps and inhale. I'm left coughing on the floor.
'Thanks...for...the...drink' i rasp through my uneven breaths. I cough again, but this time i cough up blood.
Uh oh. That's definitely not good.
However i am chained up yet again. Now im shivering. Great. I try and close my eyes to sleep, and finally i sussed.*Rowan*
'Go wake up Rosi. Laura and Sebastian gVe me VV's co-ordinates. We need to go. NOW.' Ron sprinted to wake up Rosi and we all get our gear together. I take a first aid kit just incase.
We go to the location. An underground organization. Great.
We go through the vents and i stop above one, it was Caspian.
'Lizzie, you can deal with this one' i whisper and she nodds, her jaw set in determination.
We continue on until we reached the destination. I looked through and my jeart stopped.
Valkyrie was chained up to a wall, she was soaking wet and covered in concrete, i ciuld just about make out the burns on her shoulders, and i bet they continue down the rest of her body. She coughs and blood splatters on the floor. Oh my God.
Rosi, Ron and i jump down and i run to her.
'VV? Valkyrie! Oh my gosh we here now' i say and she opens her eyes.
'Save me'
God please help her.
I unchained her and almost immediately Jaiden walked into the room
'What do you think y-' he was cut off by Rosi.
She shot him one sith a real gun and he fell. She got out the tranquilizer and shit him again. Her look of rage was enough for the other men to surrender.
Ron picked up Jaiden and i took Valkyrie. I turn to Rosi.
'Make the call'
She nodds and five minutes later the agency have arrived. They secured the area and medics took VV.
We got her out. Finally.
I walked up to the Chief.
'Sir you seriously better let us have a vacation because THAT was not an easy mission.'
He grins. 'I suppose your correct. I heard tou were planning a proposal' he hints.
Ah of course he knows.
'Yes Sir' i say.
He pats me on the shoulder. 'Your good for her. But if you hurt my daughter. There's no coming back from that' he warns and i grin.
'I won't sir.' And he grins again.
'She wants to go to the Bahamas, keep that in mind'
I grin and walk away. I am pretty sure that i just got her father's approval.I go and visit her kn the hospital. Now that the concrete was removed...you could see how badly she was burnt. I sat by her day and night.
I crack open my eyes. I look down and myself and realise that my burns are treated and nearly healed, i smile and go to sit up.
'OH MY GOD! YIU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK' I jump and Rowan smiles. I'm beginning to seriously consider that bell.
He smiles and i look out the window. Where...where are we?
Rowan notices my look of confusion and his smile widens 'we are jn the Bahamas' he explains
'OMG OMG OMG SERIOUSLY OH MY GOSH!' I leap out of bed and run to the window. I look at the perfect clear blue water and breath in happily.
Rowan smiles and pulls me to him.
'I have something special planned for today, i bought you a nice dress, I'll see you then' he whispers, he plants a kiss on my cheek and walks out. Woah ok.
I check the clock and realise what time it is. HOW CAN JT ALREADY BE SEVEN? I run to the closet and find a beautiful cream coloured dress. I smile and put it on. It's so silky and smooth.
I walked outside on the sand and breathed in the clear air, i see Rowan standing in the water and i smile, i creep up behind him and hug him,
'Valkyrie, you look beautiful' he says, i smile and look at him, he was wearing a white dress shirt and dress pants, was there something fancu going on?
I turn to ask but he is down on one knee...
'Valkyrie...will you marry me?'
I am so shocked i stand frozen.
'I...of course! Oh my god! Yes!' I squeal, he puts the ring on my finger and i hug him tight.
Oh my gosh!
Things are finally going right.

Plot Twist
Non-FictionJust saying it's really bad so read at your own risk and don't say i didn't warn you Valkyrie is the 18 year old daughter of Malekai Creed who is the CEO of MC the second most successful company in Asia. Valkyrie is used to being free, how will she...