Training - Chapter 12

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Saihara.. My best friend.. just confessed to me. My heartbeat increased tremendously as I felt my face start to heat up. I feel a smile come across my face, I'm so happy he thinks of me like that. M-Maybe I like him too.. I wouldn't mind him being my boyfriend. Then, a thought interrupts my happiness.

If he becomes my boyfriend, I'll just lose him. Just like Rantaro.


I was too afraid of the thought of us hating each other. I don't know what I would do if that happened. This will just be a repeat of the last time I tried dating. I'm not meant for love. I don't deserve him, I'll just break his heart horribly. I prepared my lie.. 

"I'm sorry, Saihara.. But.. I can't."

I see the color fade from his face. He just turned pale and looked away. He reached for his hat, that was still not there. I bit my lip to stop myself from tearing up. 

"O-Oh.. Okay.." his voice was thick as he responded.

"I just want to be friends, Saihara. I hope you can understand. You're my greatest friend, so please don't leave me, okay? Just forget this ever happened, please don't avoid me." I say to him in an caring tone. I ask frequently to make sure he won't leave. "If you need some time alone for a few days.. I'll understand though."

He just nods his head and smiles at me. It looked insincere. "Of course, Akamatsu. I just need some time alone, though, okay? We'll definitely still be friends. I'll talk to you when I'm ready." 

I smile back at him. "Okay!"

"I'm gonna head home now. Bye Akamatsu!" He waves at me and runs off before I could react.

"..Bye Saihara." once he was gone I feel tears fall from my eyes.

Huh..? Why.. Why am I crying?

~Perspective Change~

Once I'm away from Akamatsu's sight, I start speed walking home.

I cover my eyes with my hand and let the tears form. 

Eventually, I collapse against a random car parked on the street.

I'm such an idiot!

Why did I even think Akamatsu would accept my confession? Of course she would reject, we've been friends for only like a month now. And she was perfect, I'm just some high schooler that always needs help from her. I'm just useless.

I wipe away the tears that accumulated on my eyes. I'm so dumb. I wouldn't be feeling this sadness right now if only I knew to stay in my own lane.

Suddenly, a guy towers over me. 

"H-Huh? Oh, s-sorry I was on your car." I get up and wipe the dirt off my butt.

My eyes adjust to the light and I realized it was..


"Hey, Shuichi. The hell happened? Who did this to you?" he said in an angry voice. "Did someone make you cry?"

"I-I wasn't crying.." I say as I wipe my eyes again, getting the excess tears out.

"Dude, I saw you. I was just walking to my house and I saw you crying. Don't lie to me, if you bottle up your feelings, it can't get fixed."

"O-Okay.." I just sighed, I was embarrassed I was caught crying. "I got rejected by Akamatsu."

I looked at him and he looked genuinely shocked. "For real?! No way."

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