To get the Astronaut and Assassin Together - Chapter 18

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Kaede and I drafted out a plan to get the two together. After we finished up at the arcade, we would go to the café we always go to and leave the two alone. That café is pretty much a staple meeting place. Then, we'd devise a bunch of our cliché plans that I admittedly got from a lot of romance novels..

After they got done playing the car game, we went up to them. First, we wanted to get out of the arcade so I would have to waste the hundreds of coins I got from the Monomono slot. Also, it was a good opportunity to confirm if they had a crush on each other, to make extra sure. It would suck if they didn't actually like each other..

"Hey Momota!"

"Oh, hey Shuichi! What's up?" he responds.

"Uhh.. Wanna go against me in this basketball game to see who'll get more points?" I challenge him. To be honest, I was kinda afraid to embarrass myself.

"Oh, you're on! You'll see the power of Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! My basketball skills are universe-tier." he says with a smirk. There was a lot of enthusiasm in his voice, he was clearly excited. I just laugh. "Let's meet up with the girls after we spend all our coins. We'll see you later Maki Roll!" he says and she just shrugs.

"Hey, Harukawa, want to hang out with me for a while while they play?"

"Sure." the two of them walk away.

Meanwhile, me and Momota head to the basketball hoops. "Didn't know you liked this game, Shuichi!"

"A-Ah, yea, it's pretty fun." I lie. I've never played this game in my life. I just saw it and I remember Momota told me once he was good at basketball..

We both our coins in and we start playing. Momota was getting every shot in every time he threw and I got it in every 3 shots or so. I didn't want to ask if he had a crush on anyone yet because that'd be too weird.

I lost completely, 011-037. "Ha! Don't be disappointed, I did say my basketball skills were universe-tier!"

"Hey, how about another time?"

"Hm? Sure thing!" he responds as we pop in our coins again.

I was doing slightly better than before, but Momota was still destroying me. I suppose now would be a good time to ask.

"By the way, Momota. Do you like anyone?" I say casually.

"Huh? Why are you asking that right now?" he says confused, still shooting his shots.

"Uh, I mean, I was just curious. Because you know, I had a crush on Kaede so I was wondering if you liked anyone?"

"Well, duh! We're in high school, there's no way I wouldn't have one! That type of stuff is a man's passion." he says as if that had been obvious as he shoots another shot. Of course, he made it in effortlessly and he continued talking. "That doesn't mean I'll ask them out, though. To be honest, it would totally suck if I got a girlfriend because once I get in space, I won't have time to hang out with them as often! But, if my crush were to ask me out, I'd totally say yes. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean the bonds we experienced together means nothing! I'd be watching them from the stars. And eventually, I'll take them to space with me. It would be great." I saw a genuine smile arise in his face.

Momota has a crush.. Too bad he wouldn't want to make the first move.. He was quick to tell me too. I expected I would have to bug him about it a lot. "Can I ask who it is?"

"Sure! But I'm gonna say 'No.'" he snickers. "Even if you're my sidekick, I won't tell you something embarrassing like that, bro! This is a man's secret.."

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