Our Getaway Conclusion - Chapter 31

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"It has to be you, Naegi." I said as I pointed at the brown haired student.

"Huh?!" he said in surprise. 

"What?! Why is it Naegi?!" Keebo asked with a worried look.

"Gonta not think Naegi would do such a thing!"

"I cannot believe he would do such a thing." Celeste said in suspicion. 

"You've got it wrong! I didn't do it!"

"I don't think you meant to do it," I tell him, "but there's a crucial piece of evidence that makes me think you had the bomb."

The other detective says nothing as I continue explaining. 

"I'm sorry for just saying this, but you were gonna give a gift to Kirigiri, right?"

He slowly nods his head, a bit embarrassed. "Yea.."

"Wait, what does that have to do with anything though?" Soda asked. 

"Shut up and let him explain." the affluent progeny sighed.

"...Did you use the Hopes Peak Academy duffle bag to pack the gifts?" I hoped with all my heart he would say no, and that somehow Komaeda was the one who activated the bomb in his room.

"Yes." he replied. I grit my teeth as I close my eyes.

"I found that duffle bag in Komaeda's development room.." his eyes widened. "You somehow switched bags with him and accidentally activated the bomb.."

"HUH?!" Everyone yelled out.

"I initially thought that Komaeda just had interesting taste with novels.. But, it makes more sense that those were the gifts he was trying to give Kirigiri! I even noticed a rose in the duffle bag, and judging by the vases with even more flowers in her dorm, I assume that you commonly give them to her?"

He awkwardly nodded.

"That bag I found was not Komaeda's, it was yours! And in exchange, you had Komaeda's bag!" 

"Ah, that's right! I did pack a bomb in the same bag.. What a coincidence!" Komaeda said with a chuckle.

"That's not funny, man!" Soda cried.

"Oh yea! I saw Komaeda holding that bag! Thought it was food but I guess it was a bomb." Owari shrugged with a big grin.

"Why are you saying that so casually?!"

"Why didn't we find that bag then?" Celeste asked.

Naegi with a guilty look responded. "Uh.. I stuffed it in my development room and was thinking about giving it later.. I guess that just messed up the case." he awkwardly laughed. "I remember that I did fall on my bag before the explosion.."

"Did they even have a time to switch up their bags?" Hinata asked. "We can still prove his innocence-"

"No, I ran into Komaeda while turning a corner. We both dropped our bags and I guess that's when we mixed them all up.." he reassured him. He was completely content with being the culprit, he really didn't deserve this.

I hesitate before accusing the boy. "Naegi.. You are the culpr-"

"Your evidence lacks." Kirigiri interrupted me as she pointed.

"Huh..?" I look at the other detective strangely.

"It cannot be Naegi." she says as she crosses her arms. "That little piece of evidence isn't enough to convict him completely."

"Oh boy! Battle between two detectives! Who'll win?!" Oma exclaimed, hyped up.

"Whose hope will shine brighter?" Komaeda said with a twisted smile. "I really am lucky to be able to witness this!"

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