Short 1 ⭐ - Iruma's New Invention

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A.N: These are just quick stupid ideas I had that I wanted to write about. Typically I'll add these when I'm bored, want Saimatsu, or I couldn't figure out how to add it to the story. This one, I wanted to make up for not posting in a while :D

New rule that I added for anyone new reading this, a star means that it's relevant to the story as you see I later add shorts that aren't in the same universe.

This takes place before the two started dating BTW, it's apart of the 2 week timeskip I did.

As soon as class was over, it was time for lunch. Iruma had finished her latest invention after days of work. She yelled out to the whole class, "Yo, virgins! I got something to show you all!!!"

"Please don't be something lewd.." Shirogane begs.

"Ha! I fuckin' wish! It's something much lamer, but hey, I need test subjects!" she cackles madly. She pulls out a flashlight looking object. "It's not anything useful like a fleshlight, but observe!

"If I may ask.. What does this invention do?" Shinguji asks.

"Basically, it replaces your memories with new ones! Sure, not as useful as some of my other inventions, but any invention from the gorgeous Miu Iruma is better than anything you ABORTIONS could make! It can alter your entire personality, and change their backstory completely!"

Everyone stared at her shocked. In their heads, they were thinking along the lines of, "What!? That's revolutionary, that could literally change the world.."

If something like that got into the public, it wouldn't be good. Maybe a certain type of game could be made with fictional memories?

"Ah, maybe it's not a good idea to alter people's memories? I don't think that could lead to anything good.." Saihara says. Akamatsu nods, agreeing with him.

"Who fuckin' cares?! Watch, it'll be fine." She shined the light into Saihara's eyes. He yells in shock and places his hands on his head.

 "A-Ah! Saihara?!?! Iruma, what the heck!?" Akamatsu shouted. 

"Eeee! I-I'm sorry.. Your beta toy was just doubting me so I wanted to show him what my invention can do..."

"He's not my beta toy!"

"Nishishishi, I wonder how Saihara will act now! Maybe he'll be someone that wants to join my organization, finally!" Oma exclaims. 

Saihara places his hands off his head and looks around. "Huh? Where the hell am I? This isn't my room.." Akamatsu was shocked. She definitely was not used to Saihara cursing, nor did she like it. 

"Saihara, are you okay?"

His eyes lit up. "Wow, a girl is talking to me! Could this be the start of my harem?" he says with a wide grin. Akamatsu stared at him weirdly. "I'm just kidding. I.. thought it would be funny."

"Wow! Not even the weeb laughed at your joke!" Oma yells out. Saihara gave an annoyed face.

"Saihara?! What are you saying, Gonta thought you and Akamatsu were best friends!" Gonta says.

Momota stares at Iruma angrily. "Woah, what the hell did you do to him? There's no way my sidekick would act that pathetic!"

"Pathetic..? Sidekick..?" Saihara's mood changed. "Sorry.. It's been a while since I've been outside. Where am I anyways?" 

Iruma answered Momota's question first, a bit moody over his outburst. "A-Ah.. I just altered his memories so he's a big loser.." Her mood changed quickly as she laughed. "A complete shut, hiding from the outside! A complete neet! Also, he's a big fan of Hopes Peak Academy! Oh man, this is hilarious! The virgin turned into even more of a virgin somehow!"

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