Before the Festival - Chapter 44

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Akamatsu POV

"Mr. Harada... What are you talking about?" I ask as I get up from Shuichi's shoulder.

"I'll explain later..." he yawned as he looked at his watch. "Oh, talent development time. Cya, have fun, develop your stuff to max potential so you don't get expelled." he threw himself on his chair, making it roll against the wall as he swiftly went to sleep.

Well, I'm glad he's more motivated to help us though! Truth be told, as much as I like being the leader to everyone I would still prefer someone older helping us out. Though, he doesn't seem motivated right now sleeping with no care in the world...

Shuichi and I walked to our rooms together as we chatted about Mr. Harada. "What do you think's got him so riled up?" I ask him as I squeeze his hand tighter.

"Uhh..." he places a finger to his chin as he thought. "Maybe they're threatening to fire him?" he faced me with a gentle laugh.

"That'd be awful!" I blurted out.

"Well, yea." he chuckled again. "I wouldn't want a replacement this soon in the year..."

"Also, he's our teacher!" I pout.

"Y-Yea, that too!" he insists quickly to be on my side. I laugh as I swing my arm forward, making his hand intertwined with mine swing forward as well.

"Anyways..." I change the topic with a cough as I face the boy. "Hey, Shuichi. Thanks for suggesting a musical performance."

"Well, of course." he smiled. "I know you want to do something with piano and that's the best way for all of us to do it. It's a good way to do it without focusing on just piano. I can't imagine how'd Oma react if he was forced to do a formal recital." he grimaced imagining the thought.

"I'm sure Oma wouldn't do something that bad!" I laughed. "I think..."

"Anyways!" we arrived near my talent development room where we would usually depart. He separates from my hand and prepares to leave before I cut him off, "Shuichi, wanna come in?"

"Eh?" he looked surprised from my suggestion. "Oh, sure. I would love to." he gave a gentle smile as I mentally cheer.

"Thank you, Shu!" I smile as I open the door, leading us both in. I playfully bow before letting him in as he laughs. We both sit down at the piano (as it was the only seat) and I run my fingers over the piano.

"I'm happy to be here but... Why'd you want me here?" he faces me with a questioning look.

With a blush, I face the piano. "I wanna start working on the song that we're gonna play on Friday and I feel like I can get more things done with you around... I don't know, I feel more motivated than usual when I'm with you! Maybe I'm just motivated to show you something cool..." Somehow, I managed to get those embarrassing words out.

"Oh," his face was completely flushed, "I see."

We stare at the ground awkwardly for a couple of moments before I coughed to change the topic.

"Anyways, thanks for coming!" I pump my fists.

"No problem."

I then begin to make a tune that would hopefully live up to others' expectations. Of course, I had experience making tunes thanks to Shuichi and our own melody we were making together. Thank god, if not I don't think I would be able to do this before Friday. I really have to thank him for that...

It is my dream to play my own type of music for everyone else.

Shuichi stood there watching me play, taking in the music completely. He wasn't distracted at all and was enveloped in my melody. His main focus was on the music and me, nothing else. Honestly, it embarrassed me a little bit to have him so concentrated on my playing but it only motivated me to play better for him.

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