Double Date - Chapter 17

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During our cuddling session, we talked about sweet things. "Hey Shuichi?" I ask while holding him close.


"Why did you fall for me?" I ask him bluntly. He seemed confused from the question.

"What do you mean? It's because you're cute, and you were the one who gave me the push to be the person I wanted to be. You've helped me out so much ever since we met, and I just fell for you.. And of course, you're amazing at the piano."

I blush from hearing that. "I-I see.."

"A-Ah.. I-I said something embarrassing.. S-Sorry."

"Hey, don't apologize! That was really sweet." I smile as I kiss him again. "You shouldn't apologize so much."

"Okay." he smiles at me, his face was red. We've kissed so much over the past few minutes yet we still blush whenever our lips touch. "How about you? Why do you like me?"

"Hm? It's because you're adorable, Shuichi!" I kiss him on the cheek again which makes him blush. However, he looked a bit disappointed.

"Ah.. So it's just my looks then.." he says.

I quickly shake my head and sit up. He sits up as well with me. "No, no! Not just that. I think you're really sweet. I love your resolve to get things done. I love how you care about others like you do in your cases, and how much you care about me. I love your resolve to make sure the families in your cases are okay, even though you don't even need to do it. You're just really amazing in every way, Shuichi." 

We were both blushing, I can't believe he made me say an embarassing thing like that. "O-Oh okay.." he gives me another kiss on the forehead. "Thanks, Kaede."

"N-No problem." I smile widely and sit on his lap. Suddenly, he moves his face towards mine and kisses me. He let his hands flow through my hair as I cupped his cheek. it surprised me but I wholeheartedly accept it. My heart was beating way too fast. I guess he knows how to take the initiative when the moment is right! I'm really happy he's starting to make moves on me. Our kisses were rapid but full of love. All I could think right now was of him. As we kissed, I pulled his body in closer. His whole body was warm, I felt safe in his arms. We ended our kiss and gasped for air. 

"S-Sorry if that was weird.." he says.

I pout. "Y-You don't need to apologize, I already said that! T-That.. That made me really happy."

We both smile and I just let myself melt into him, I gave him another long but passionate kiss. I couldn't keep my mind off of him. I wouldn't mind taking this furth-


His uncle barged through the door during our make out session. We immediately separated from each other and blush wildly. 

"Uhh.. Sorry for interrupting!" he says quickly as he covered his eyes. 

"C-Could you knock??" Shuichi was clearly very embarrassed. It was understandable, as I was too. I couldn't even look his uncle in the eyes.

"S-Sorry, Shuichi! But, uh. Somebody is calling for you outside." he says. "After you see who it is, I won't bother again, but don't be too loud, if you catch my drift." he winks at him.

"U-Uncle! We weren't gonna do anything like that!!" he quickly got up and rushed to the front door, face still red. I followed behind and bowed to his uncle in apology. I was a little annoyed though.. I wanted to do more. But it's fine.

I sit on the couch as he opens the front door because I didn't know who it was.

~Perspective Change~

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