Investigation - Chapter 29

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As I gain the resolve to start walking, everyone did too. What we saw was unbelievable. How could anyone even do this? I didn't like the guy too, but that could've killed him! Everyone went their own ways except for me, Kaede, Oma, Soda, Celeste, Keebo, Komaeda, Naegi, and Kirigiri. I guess they're gonna try to investigate as well.

It was currently 12:43.. We had a few hours to figure out who did it. The explosion probably happened at around 12:21

Kaede and I sat on the ground to take this all in. I let her rest on my shoulder to calm down.

"It's okay.. We'll solve this case." I give a gentle smile.

"I know you will," she smiles back, "I'm just concerned of who did this. It's weird.."


"Hey, let's investigate together." she said excitedly. "Just like old times!"

I blush and nod. "O-Okay.." I remember when I first met Kaede, we tried to find a lost cat together. We had just met and even so, she gave me confidence. Although she did slap me in the face in exchange..

This case is definitely a little bit more different than that one.

We both get up as we decide to start investigating. Kaede looked pumped up, I guess it's been a while since she helped me in a case

"This will be easy," Soda exclaimed with a grin, "we got two Ultimate Detectives, there's no way we won't find out who did this!" 

"Ah, no. I don't really specialize in cases like these." Kirigiri explained.

"Me too. I've never worked with something like this before." I add.

Soda looked scared. "Eh?! Then, are we seriously about to be expelled?!"

"Now, now, Soda! Don't worry, I'm sure the Ultimate Detectives will certainly solve this case." Komaeda smiled as he continued praising us. "I believe in their talents! They were chosen as the Ultimate Detective for a reason, so I believe in their hope!"

"Alright then!" he was about to walk away but I stopped him. "Huh?"

"Oh, uh. I was just gonna ask, where have you been?"

"Am I a suspect?!" he yelled out.

"Everyone is a suspect. It's the only way we can figure out the truth." the other detective explained to him. 

He picked his teeth. "That makes sense.."

"Saihara, I trust you're well over here? I'll investigate inside the school, lets meet up and trade information when we're done." Kirigiri says to me. I nod in response as her and Naegi leave.

"So Soda, where were you before the explosion?" I asked him as they left.

"Well, I was alone in my Talent Development room. Until Togami came in my room for some reason." 

"Huh? Why did Togami come in your room?" I asked.

"I dunno. I was busy working on something, and he came in. He simply said he was grabbing something and headed out.. Dunno what that was though, didn't care enough to ask." he then looked shocked. "Do you think he could've been making a bomb?!"

"Maybe.." I put my hand to my face as I thought of that possibility. Could Togami have done it, did Mr. Shirokuro anger him that badly? "But.. Even if he had experience, it would take a while to make a bomb that quickly.. What time was this?"

"I'll check out my room to see what he took. Meet me in around an hour, I'll figure it out by then.." he says as he walks away.

 I walk up to the downed Oma and shake him to wake him up. "Are you okay enough to talk?"

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