Our Class Trial - Chapter 30

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Komaeda raised his hands before anything progressed. "Mr. Shirokuro, can I ask something?"

"..Sure." he responds as he gives a serious look at him.

"Would the culprit be the person who directly caused it?"

He sighs. "Yes. Whoever directly caused this incident will be the one I consider guilty." 

Well, that was obvious, wasn't it? The person who directly caused it is obviously gonna be the weirdo behind everything.

"Alright," Oma exclaimed as he looked around excitedly, "another trial! Man, it's been a while since I've been in one! I've been sooo busy in school." 

"I guess as an Ultimate Supreme Leader, you must get in cases a lot!" Komaeda laughs. "I hope my performance won't disappoint all of you.."

"Start treating this seriously, we can get expelled!" Soda cried.

"Huh?! We're gonna get expelled?!" Akane asked with her eyes wide open.

"Yes! What did you think this was about?!"

"You guys are being noisy." Togami said with his arms crossed.

"Guys! Stay focused!" I calm everyone down. "Let's start with alibis, where was everyone?"

"I was with Kaede in the AV rooms, we were watching a movie." Shuichi says as he awkwardly looked away. I mean, we were watching a movie but we were also making out. I don't think we would need to bring that up, though..

"Alibis are boringg, we can just bring them up later when someone gets accused!" the supreme leader announced. "Speaking of someone who gets accused.. I already know who it is!"

"Eh?! Oma, you know who cause explosion?" Gonta said with a shocked look. "Friends not need to investigate after all!?"

"Yes.. After all, it's quite obvious that Hinata was the one who did it!" he announced as he threw his hands out.


"Huh?! Why me!?" Hinata yelled as he leaned over the podium. "I didn't do it, I had no time to!"

"I mean.. You have the most motive. You're the only one here with no talent.. And I remember hearing that you were alone in your dorm, no one saw you!"

"Wait, that's wrong!" I argue with Oma. "Kirigiri saw Hinata after they both left their dorm rooms when the explosion happened."

"But.. If the bomb was activated remotely, he could've simply had the bomb in his room."

"Ah, no," my boyfriend objected, "I checked around his room thoroughly. And he couldn't have had an opportunity to hide it either. Nanami, you were with him all day, right?"

She puts a finger to her chin as she thinks. "..I think."

What do you mean, you think?

"Yea, so Hinata didn't have an opportunity to activate the bomb from his room. Kaede is right."

"Sheesh, disproving me for your girlfriend? I know you're just trying to get in bed with her tonight, Saihara!" the supreme leader laughed as Shuichi blushed. "But no, I'm just kidding. That was just a way to ease into the trial, of course I knew Hinata wasn't the culprit. You all are used to it now, rightt?"

"You're definitely lying!" Soda yelled at the supreme leader as he snickered.

"Soda, you're a pretty big suspect too.." Oma put a finger to his lips as he gave him a smug look. "The culprit obviously has to have experience making a bomb, and what are you?"

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