Relationship - Chapter 16

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After we played, it was time for me to leave. "Shuichi, are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" she asks me.

"I would like to, but I've been out pretty late and I'm sure my uncle is wondering where I am." I chuckle. "But, do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

She quickly nods her head. "Yes!" 

I celebrate in my head. Thank god it was Saturday tomorrow, it's convenient timing so we can have our own date.  "Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow, Kaede!" I turn to leave but she grabs me by my arm. "U-Uh?"

"C-Come on.. We're dating now so.. I don't mean to be clingy but.. Can we..?"

I blushed as I knew what she meant. 

I turn around and slowly approach her. Hopefully I don't mess this up.. I wrap my arms around her waist and closed my eyes as our lips touched. It was quick but full of love. We were both flustered. We were happy though..

"O-Okay, bye Shuichi, I love you!" She quickly detaches from me and smiles widely. 

"I-I love you too!" I stutter. She happily waves to me and closes the door. 

I stand there flustered. I touch my lips and stare at my fingers. 

Am I ever gonna get used to this?

Perspective Change

I happily speedwalk into my room and jump on my bed. I hug my pillow and squeal into it. "Shuichi is so cutee! He kissed me! Hehe..." I let my legs flail, I was just so happy. I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow. I should've accepted him at that time, but we can't change the past. I'm happy he still loves me even though what I did to him..

Suddenly, my grandma knocked on the door. "Kaede, food is ready!"

"Coming!" I hop out of bed. How inconvenient that as soon as I got in bed, I immediately have to get back up.

We sit in the dinner table and everyone is staring at me. "Uh..?"

My mom looks at me excitedly. "How did he ask you out?!" My grandma and father nodded and looked at me.

"U-Uhh... I-I just want to eat my dinner in peace.. I'd rather keep my privacy.."

"Please do go into detail, Kaede!" 

"Jeez! Fine.. At first I rejected him.." everyone at the table gasped. 

"Really? Why?!" my mom asked surprised.

"It's because I was afraid that we would break up like last time.." my parents understood what I meant and nodded. My grandma didn't though.

"But, I got motivated by my friend to not lie to myself, so I told him my true feelings.. And he just k-kissed me." My parents looked impressed. "And yea, he ended up asking me out again and I accepted."

"Ah, teen love! How dramatic, totally out of a romance novel!" my mom says as she laughs.

"Ugh.. This is why I didn't want to tell you guys, you're just gonna tease me!" I pout.

"It's required as a guardian that we must." my grandma adds.


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