Mr. Shirokuro - Chapter 26

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~Akamatsu POV~

After Shuichi and I uh.. Hung out, it was time to meet up at the gym. We left our stuff in our room as we walked. I was a little concerned about the whole trip because of Mr. Shirokuro, he made it seem like he didn't care about us. Jeez, why did Hopes Peak Academy pick him out of everyone? Even Mr. Harada would've been better!

We walked out and we saw Keebo running around. "Oh, hey Keebo! Where have you been?" I yelled out to him. He looked at me in fear and put his finger on his lips as he approached us.

"Please, do not be so loud!" he says in nervousness as he looks around. "There has been a strange man chasing me around with a wrench.. He keeps saying he wants to dissemble me!"

Ah.. It must be that pink haired guy we had met earlier. Shuichi awkwardly chuckles. "You'll have to meet him soon, though. We have to all gather at the gym, remember? The teacher here seems pretty strict, so you'd probably get in a lot of trouble if you don't come."

I saw a yelp escape from Keebo as he heard that information. "..I suppose I'll have to try to avoid him then. I'll hide behind you two for now."

I just laugh and nod my head as we both walk inside the school. Luckily, there was a map we got a few days ago so we knew our way around. We walked into the gym and it seems we were the last ones there. Mr. Shirokura was crossing his arms, standing behind a podium at the front of the gym. His dull red eyes were intimidating.

"Looks like everyone is here. Great. We can start." he says with a stern look. I saw as everyone tensed up at his strict glare. "If you have a memory, you would remember my name is Mr. Shirokuro. I am the supervisor during this getaway. I used to be called the Ultimate Judge."

"Used to be?" Komaeda asks.

"Please do not interrupt while I'm speaking." he sighs. "But sure, I'll humor you. I got expelled a few years back for prohibiting everyone's talent development."

We were all shocked from this statement.

"Of course, I was an amazing judge that didn't need to develop my talent. I could see if someone was guilty instantly just by the expressions on their face. I listened well to both the jury and the lawyers. Usually, a judge has to have a degree, but ever when I was a kid that instantly got a hardheaded culprit to fess up, I've become pretty popular. I always chose the true guilty person and gave them reasonable punishments. However, others wanted to develop their talent past mine.."

This guy sounds amazing but.. His personality is utter trash.

"So, I merely broke everyone's hope to develop their talent so I could remain on top. Some students dropped out because of me, so they expelled me for being too troublesome." he smirks. "Of course, I remained on top until the end so I'm satisfied. I'm pretty surprised they asked me to manage all of you, but hey, I'm here."

Komaeda looked pretty annoyed. He was about to say something but luckily Hinata stopped him. I was pretty surprised to see a face like that from someone as calm as him.

"For the 3 days you'll be here, it will mainly be free time. Fun. However, after dinner, you will all head to your newly crafted Talent Development Rooms. I do not expect you kids to get better than me at anything, but if you do, I will hastily put an end to your room. Don't worry, you won't have a talent that shines brighter than mine so you won't have to worry."

"That's just unfair!" I yell out. I could hardly contain my anger, who does this guy think he is?

"Unfair..? I hardly think so. Someone like me will always remain on top, and I will guarantee that. There is not gonna be anyone that develops their talent to shine brighter than mine. It's just fact that I will be better than anyone else."

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