Special Spot in My Heart - Short 12

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A.N: Alternate Universe! Also, I wrote this a few years ago. I wrote it before half of the stuff I wrote in AMWY. Originally it was gonna be a fic, so mostly this is an introductory to a story I *MIGHT* write.

This is an excuse. To post something in this fandom. I've been feeling really nostalgic to Danganronpa, rereading my fic and stuff. I'm just saying that there's a good chance I'll continue this soon. More A.N at the end.

Shuichi's expectations of high school weren't exactly thrilling compared to others. He promised himself that he would focus on studies before doing anything else. He didn't expect anything much from high school, he would be completely fine with living an absolutely bland life. No lovers, no parties, none of that. He'd be completely fine with being a loser. Unfortunately, that philosophy didn't last long.

His middle school best friend, Kaito Momota, stuck around with him in high school. He couldn't "leave his sidekick!" Because of this, Kaito always dragged Shuichi along for parties. Thankfully, they didn't do anything that bad. Maybe a couple of drinks every now and then from specific bad influences (like Kokichi), but nothing too out of the ordinary for high schoolers.

Kaito was almost the complete opposite of Shuichi, wanting to get the most fun out of high school. Hell, as soon as he got a driver's license, he would swing by Shuichi's place just to go somewhere random. It could be an arcade, the mall, a movie, anywhere really. It's not surprising that someone as outgoing as that eventually got a girlfriend.

Shuichi met the lucky girl, Maki Harukawa, during their sophomore year of high school. apparently they got together over Summer break. Kaito slid into her DMs, she indulged him, got on a few dates, and now they're together. He even had a pretty interesting pet name for her... Lucky for them, they all shared homeroom, History, and English together. They were the power couple, and Shuichi was the power third wheel. Maki was easy to talk to and really smart; it was completely different from Kaito! Shuichi was a little shocked Kaito struck a girl like her.

So, of course now that Kaito got a girl, it was Shuichi's turn. Kaito always tried to hook him up with other girls in their class, but Shuichi always refused. He even offered to set up a blind date with someone, but this was to no avail.

Until, in the middle of Sophomore year, Shuichi met a nice girl in the library; Tsumugi Shirogane. She was nice, pleasant to talk to. She had some pretty interesting hobbies, such as cosplaying; one that he would be into if he weren't so introverted. Once learning this news, she was quick to be his self-proclaimed cosplay buddy. At the time, the spark in her eyes was enough to make his heart jump.

He didn't really know what a crush was at the time, but whatever he felt wasn't fucking nothing.

He even realized that the two shared a math class, and they began talking more during then. She'd ask for help because, well, he was pretty well-versed in the subject if he could say so himself; he'd gladly oblige. Eventually, this led to them hanging out after school for more than just studying. It started out as small coffee dates, strolls around the mall just for fun, eventually watching movies together.

Obviously, the two got together after some time. A heart-felt confession from Shuichi had completely won her over. It wasn't a good day either; heavy rain ruined the atmosphere, but to Tsumugi it just enhanced it. When Kaito finally learned the news, he was put into a state of comatose for a few minutes. He hadn't even known of her existence until the two started dating!

Well, he only met her a month ago. And he didn't tell him. He was too embarrassed to admit that he was talking to a girl. Kaito was lowkey hurt that his best friend didn't tell him, but at the same time, so proud. He didn't even need a wingman! Kaito suggested that they all go out for a double date sometime.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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