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1 Month Later

"Maddie! Kara, Alex and I are going to get food, you coming with?" Lizzie asked as she slipped her bag on.

"You and Kara? Together? You sure that's a good idea?" Madison asked.

"Hah-hah, very funny. Kara and I get into little arguments-"

"I'm sorry, little?"

"Yes, little because we make up afterwards. I love Kara though. We are friends. She is... was our brothers girlfriend and is my girlfriends sister. I still see her as a best friend, this time has just been rocky for us. She knows I love her as a friend and she loves me too. Because, who doesn't love me" Lizzie joked.

"Me" Madison teased.

"Take that back!" Lizzie pouted.

"Nop- hey!" Madison said as a pillow was thrown at her face.

"We're literally in the DEO! Where the hell did you even get a pillow from?" Madison asked, throwing the pillow back at Lizzie.

"And that is a secret that I'll never tell" Lizzie winked.

"Xoxo, Gossip girl." Madison added.

"Hey! I didn't even mean to quote gossip girl" Lizzie frowned.

"But you did."

"By accident!"


"Lizzie, you coming?" Alex asked as her and Kara walked into the room.

"Yea, Madison what about you?"

"Erm no, I think I'll pass. I have somewhere to be after I pick Anna up from school"

"Oh? I didn't know you had work today" Kara said.

"No, not work" Madison said.

"Oh well then what? You're from earth 1 and no offence but your life is pretty occupied here. And you keep going somewhere as well." Alex said

"Yea, no offence but you have no other friends other than us" Lizzie chuckled.

"Erm... I'm hanging out with a colleague."

"With Anna?" Kara asked.

"Yea, with Anna." Madison said.

"So who is this colleague? Is it a guy? Oooooh" Lizzie teased.

"Yes and not like that. I see him as a brother almost. Don't make things weird, please."

"I'm just saying, you haven't been with anyone for a while. Like when we got here, you would go to the bar and leave with a guy"

"And that was to distract me from my fucked up marriage life. Now I have Anna back and need to be more responsible than that"

"Okay, but you should consider trying to find someone. Someone to spend your life with. You're still young Maddie" Kara said.

"I'll try" Madison smiled.

"Oh and that advice goes for you too Missy" Lizzie said to Kara.

"Not for me. I'm... different"

"Bullshit Kara. You should be happy" Lizzie smiled.

"I agree with Liz" Alex said.

"Of course you do, you two are made for each other. Listen, can we go now?" Kara asked.

"Yea, sure" Alex gave in.

Madison smiled as the other three walked off, gathering her things so her and Anna could go to Barry's for a while.

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