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Barry's quiet hums sounded throughout the kitchen of his apartment as he flipped the pancake on the pan.

He didn't notice Kara behind him. She watched him, having just woken up. Her vision was still slightly blurred but she could hear his hums and she couldn't help but smile to herself.

She walked behind him, hugging him from behind as she nuzzled her nose into his neck.

"Goodmorning." She mumbled.

"Kara! Hey, good morning."

"Next time I'd prefer if I woke up to my boyfriend next to me." She smiled.

Barry spun her around, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. Kara smiled as they pulled apart.

"I'm sorry. I thought you'd be hungry."

"I am but I'd have waited."

"Next time." Barry smiled.

Barry turned, flipping the pancake and turning the stove off.

"Well food's ready." He said, placing the last pancake on Kara's stack as he moved the plate to the table.

Kara followed, the two sitting at the table as they dug in, cutting into the fluffy, golden brown pancakes.

"This tastes amazing." Kara said, mouth full.

"Thank you, I was hoping you'd enjoy it. Adelaide loves it."

"The real question here is... does Adelaide like... potstickers?" Kara asked.

"Hmm, I don't know. I've never given it to her."

"Nuh uh. Not acceptable, how have you not fed her potstickers?! That's it, tomorrow you're on superhero duty. I'm babysitting Adelaide unless it's severe and you need my help. And you're both staying the night at mine. She's gonna eat potstickers and enjoy it." Kara said.

"If that's what you want." Barry chuckled.

"So, got any plans for today?" Kara asked.

"Well I have work and then I have to pick up Adelaide and... maybe we'll go for food? Or the park? Or both. Wanna join us?"

"Maybe. I'm gonna check up on Al. If I'm free when you guys go for food then I'll come with you."

"That's fine. Tell her I say hi." Barry smiled.

"Will do."

The two continued to eat in a comfortable silence, Kara enjoying the food Barry had made for her as she gazed into his eyes.

"Did I tell you how much I love you?" Barry spoke.

"Yes but I'll never get tired of hearing it." Kara smiled.

"Is that my shirt you're wearing?" Barry realised, Kara looking down at the baggy top she was wearing.

"Maybe..." she hummed.

"It looks cute on you."

"Couldn't be bothered to find my clothes."

"You have superspeed."

"And I was tired to I picked up the first thing O found which just so happened to be your top. And I may have also somehow found my way into your closet and found your hoodie and stolen it."

"Of course you did." Barry chuckled.

"Okay well, Barr, do you want help tidying the dishes?" Kara asked.

"No no, it's fine."

"You sure?"

"Perks of superspeed." Barry winked.

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