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'Love comes in many forms yet
is cherished in any form'


"Her veins... they... they glowed. Like.. a red colour, is Adelaide okay?" Barry asked.

"Adelaide's fine. I don't know what caused her headache but I don't think it was a normal headache. Her veins were red? What do you mean?" Alex asked

"I think she's still shocked from seeing her father get thrown out of a window by someone she too loved." Lizzie whispered, stroking the head of the sleeping child who lay in the medical bed, a distressed look on her face as the three gave her a pitiful look.

"Yea... when I got into the house she was on the balcony, covered in tears. She seemed... traumatised. And I think I know what caused the pain. But yea, Kara's veins were red. Like... you know how they are green when she is near Kryptonite? This one was like that but... red"

"Kryptonite?" Alex asked, entering a thought process.

"What caused Adelaide's pain?" Lizzie asked.

"Kara's anger. Adie got too close and it somehow affected her."

"That makes no sense though."

"Well with Adie's powers, maybe-"

"Wait, she has powers?" Lizzie asked.

"Yea... did I not... tell you?"

"No?" Lizzie said.

"Wait, has this happened before?" Alex asked.


"What are her powers?" Lizzie asked.

"The ability to feel emotions and manipulate them."

"When else has this pain happened?"

"So that's how she knew you and Kara were in love. She could literally sense it."

"But how would she be able to feel it?" Lizzie asked.

"Oh my gods, I heard what happened. Are you okay?!" Madison asked as she ran into the room, looking Barry up and down for any marks.

"I'm fine. I think Adie's a little traumatised though." Barry said as Madison turned around, her eyes going soft and pitiful at the child's state.

"When else has it happened Barry?" Alex asked once again, attempting to get to the bottom of said pain.

"Well she was with Kara and I watching a film. She said she felt something new, something that made her feel happy and warm inside, radiating off of us"

"Love..." Lizzie whispered.

"Possibly" Barry said.

"So you do still love her?"

"Of course... but now isn't the time. The other time we were with Lena though. She said the anger hurt. Like not as bad as right now but... it did hurt.

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