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"Thank you for everything." Kara smiled, going to hug her mother as Barry got into J'onn's space vehicle.

"Any time love. Do visit, I'm going to miss you so much." Alura said, hugging tightly as a few tears slipped from her eyes. She'd spend every day praying that, soon, she'd be reunited with her child once more; the time they spent together was so little and was hardly enough.

"Of course." Kara had pulled back, her hands wiping her own tears which had started to stream slowly down her face. How the universe could bring them back together after so long, and only give them such a limited amount of time was a bewilderment to her.

"Come on Kara, let's go." Barry called out from beside their ship, Kara turning to him and nodding. She turned back to her mother, wanting to get a few more words out.

"I love you Mom."

"I love you too." Alura responded, the two sharing one last soft smile, as well as a lasting embrace, before Kara had finally walked away.

The mother was left standing there, watching as Kara got into the pod and it got ready to take her away, tears spilling from her eyes. The moment she'd see her daughter once again could not come any quicker.

"Okay now that we're back, you're gonna tell us who you are." Alex demanded. The mission was done, and the children she had left previously really had no space to try and escape. So there they stood, nervously glancing at one another.

"I-" one of the girl's had began, but to her luck had been interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Alex!" Kara had returned back to the DEO, asking around for Alex and finding out that she was in the interrogation room. That did confuse her, and of course had further confused her when she found Alaia and Chris there, along with other unknown children. Barry stood behind her, seemingly mirroring her confusion.

"Kara, you're back!" Alex turned, her frustration melting away if only for a moment, and pulling her sister in to a hug.

"And we have the Harun El!" Barry spoke up.

"You do? That's great! Pass it over and let me give it to Lena," Alex offered, almost as if she had forgotten about what she was previously doing.

"Lena's here?" Kara asked. She missed talking to her best friend.

"Yeah, she is. She's gonna help make a cure and while she does that, we're gonna interrogate these guys." Alex spoke, remembering finally the other presences in the room.

"Who are these guys?" Barry asked, the question that sat on both his and his girlfriend's tongue.

"That is what I'm about to find out." Alex mumbled, frustration making itself known.

"You do that, I'll take the Harun-El to Lena. I haven't seen her in a while!" Kara offered instead, deciding that Alex was too busy right now anyways.

Kara took the substance from Barry, whispering in his ear that he should stay here and help Alex and Kara would return to them when the cure was ready. Barry nodded, realising that Kara wanted a moment alone with the CEO, and watched as she walked off.

Alex had already turned to face the young children, her stoic mask slipping back onto her face.

"Speak." She had left no room for argument, her hands moving to graze the gun in her holster.

"It's nothing Alex!" Chris' tone was laced in frustration.

"Answer the woman," Barry butted in, a sense of seriousness in his voice.

"To think I was almost beginning to like you," Chris scoffed, to which Alaia elbowed him and spoke his name in a reprimanding tone.

Alex, having gotten tired of all of this, pulled the weapon out and aimed it at the first person in sight, Arianna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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