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A/N: Does anyone else just have that cute Superflash scene in Invasion, at the end of one of the Supergirl episodes where Barry appears in her apartment and Kara is like "I knew it was you in that weird space portal thingy" memorised? No? Just me?


In worry and panic, everyone turned to see who had disturbed a moment that was meant to be such a joyous and peaceful occasion, only to see an army and the one leading them, flying mid air.

"Oh you have got to be kidding" Felicity muttered.

"I hate Nazi's" Barry, Kara and Oliver said with clenched teeth, standing next to each other in a defensive pose.

"Get everybody out of here!" Kara said, immediately throwing her glasses off, running in front of Barry and Oliver.

"Barry go!" Kara demanded, her eyes lit up with a neon blue as she began using her heat vision on one of the Nazi soldiers.

"Like hell am I abandoning you all"

"Barry we don't have time for this. Take Adelaide and go. We can handle this, you don't have your powers" Kara said, throwing a strong punch at another soldier, dodging a hit thrown from behind by another.

"I'll get Adelaide to safety but I'm coming right back"

"Don't you dare" Kara said.

"Now go!" Kara said, Barry running as he dodged a few attacks, towards Iris, Caitlin and Adie who were hiding behind a bench along with Cisco.

"Iris!" Barry whisper shouted, hiding with them.


"I need you to take Adelaide and get her to safety. Please." Barry asked.

"Yeah, of course" Iris said.

"Adelaide, go with Iris and behave. Okay?" Barry told the child.

"What's happening Daddy?"

"Nothing, I just need you to go love. Please? For me?"

"Okay. For you and Kara." Adelaide agreed, grabbing Iris' hand, Iris smiling at the child in return.

"I'll keep her safe Barry" Iris smiled.

"Thank you" Barry said, Iris taking Adelaide, using nearby objects as a shield, aiding her in her escape to freedom and safety.

Barry got up, beginning to throw punches at the Nazi's, also dodging some but not leaving unharmed. 

With the fact that the heroes were outnumbered, and Barry's lack of power, it was difficult for him to win but he'd fought without powers before and he'd do it again to keep his friends and family safe. He continued to throw a punch at one in front of him.

"Behind you Barry!" Kara called out, Barry leaning backwards so the attack would miss him, before grabbing the soldiers arm and twisting it so he was on the floor. Delivering a hit to his face so he'd be left unconscious much like his allies. He shot Kara a thankful smile, to which she returned before grabbing Overgirl's, her opponent, hand, in turn using her free hand to deliver a hit to Overgirls stomach.

Overgirl used the fact that Kara held onto her hand to her advantage, twisting it with her own strength as she threw her onto the floor, jumping into flight as she flew out of the Cathedral, a scattered mess of rubble following her as Kara was forced to chase after her.

"I think it's time you introduce these guys to your mean roommate" Cisco whispered to Caitlin.

Caitlin looked at him, taking a moment to decide if she could do it as she was doubting herself. She tilted her head slightly, the tips of her hair turning a snowy white colour as it began to spread up the rest of her hair until it was all white. Her eyes shone blue, indicating that her alter ego had taken charge.

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