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"Okay so I didn't know if you want blueberry or chocolate" Kara said, her eyes on the paper bag in her hand as she searched for the muffins.

"So we got both" Adelaide said, gleefully.

"And whichever you don't want, I'll have" Kara said.

"I want it" Adelaide pouted.

"Okay, Adelaide and I will split" Kara corrected.

She took the wrapped muffins out of the bag, seeing everyone looking at the two with suspicious looking faces.

"What..." Kara awkwardly asked.

Her gaze landed on a machine, Barry strapped inside.

"Barry? Wh...what?" Kara asked.

"I'm sorry Kara, I have to do this" Barry said.

"Barry, it's too dangerous! You said you wouldn't"

"Kara, if we want to stop the Nazi's then we need to do this, have faith in me. Please"

"I do have faith in you, I just want to keep you safe!"

"Cisco, do it" Barry said.

"Cisco, don't you dare" Kara countered.

"Now Cisco"

"Cisco" Kara said, eying him with a death glare.

Cisco shrieked in a panicked state. Either help save the world by giving Barry his powers back and be faced by the wrath of a powerful alien or  increase the chances of the superheroes' loss.

"I'm sorry Kara" he said before quickly pressing a button, lightning zapping Barry as if to recreate the moment he'd first gotten his powers.

Kara quickly pulled Adelaide into her, blocking her sight of her father in pain but she could do nothing to stop her from hearing his screams of pain.

"Wh..what's happening. Is Daddy okay?!" Adelaide asked, trying to see what was happening but stuck in Kara's embrace.

"Daddy is fine sweetheart, don't worry" Kara assured, more to herself though.

His screams were like a stab to her heart, her increased hearing making it ten times worse.

Cisco pressed the button, stopping anything that was now happening and allowing the restraints to come off of Barry, Barry falling unconscious to the ground.

Kara let go of Adelaide, quickly running towards Barry.

"Barry? Barry!" Kara said, kneeling by his side.

"Well he didn't evaporate, that's a good start" Cisco awkwardly shrugged.

Caitlin slapped his head.

"Not helping" she said, walking towards Kara and Barry.

Kara could hear Barry's faint heartbeat, giving her a sense of hope.

"He's alive" Kara breathed out.

"Help me get him to the medbay" Caitlin said.

Adelaide ran towards the two, tears running down her face.

"Hey sweetheart, come with me" Thea calmly said, taking the child's hand as Kara picked up Barry, following Caitlin to the medbay.

"No, I want my dad" Adelaide cried, trying to follow but stuck as her hand was being held by Thea.

"Is he going to be okay?" Felicity worriedly asked.

"He will be. Caitlin's a good doctor. I'm more worried for Adelaide" Iris said.

"Well, let's give Kara some time with Barry. Thea's watching Adelaide so how about we go check on our hostage?" Oliver suggested.

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