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'A love that is irreplaceable'


"Liz?" Alex asked, gently knocking on the door.

"Alex?" Lizzie asked, slowly coming to a stand as she made her way to the door. Opening it, she smiled slightly at the sight of Alex.

"I think that we should talk..." Alex said

"Come in" she softly said.

"Hi Adie!" Lizzie smiled, bending down to her height as she hugged the child.

"Hi Auntie Lizzie" Adelaide said, hugging back.

"Where's daddy?" Adelaide asked after the two had stopped hugging.

"He'll be here soon, don't worry" Alex smiled at Adelaide.

"I really hope he will be" Adelaide muttered as Lizzie shot her a pitiful look.

"Adelaide, how about you go play?" Alex suggested. Adelaide nodded, quietly moving into the spare room in Lizzie's apartment where she had a few toys that Lizzie had bought for her.

"I think I need to apologise" Lizzie slowly said.

"Mhm" Alex hummed.

"Come, sit down" Lizzie said, moving to the sofa as Alex followed.

"I'm so sorry Al. I... I should have told you everything. I think I should explain a bit more about my past." Lizzie said, taking Alex' silence as a signal to continue.

"When I was born, I lived a happy life for 6 years. But... something happened and next thing I knew it, my parents were divorced. My father took custody of me and my mother took custody of my brother who was just born."

"My father gained a drinking problem and would often hurt me. It lasted for... maybe a year? Something like that, until I tried leaving. I was young. I didn't know where I was going but... I was... captured by some people." Lizzie paused.

"They hosted a project called 'The Black Widow Project'. It was a project that tried to turn little kids into weapons. There, I met Natasha. She was refusing to kill someone and as a result was about to be punished. I decided to stand up for her but I'd just arrived. I knew no one and of course, I took her punishment instead. They'd do this often. The red room they called it. Torture you and force you to kill. I refused many times but I wasn't strong enough. I'd take the punishments and end up having to kill the innocent being. This went until I was maybe, 13 years old?"

"A lot of my scars are from them. Eventually, I managed to escape when I was on a mission. It was difficult but I found my way back to my father's. Still, he had his alcohol problem. When I was 14, my father was babysitting the two of us. My mother was at work so he was watching my brother as well. As per usual, he came home drunk. I heard screams in the middle of the night. When I walked downstairs, my little brother lay there. Lifeless. He killed my brother."

"A lot of my scars were also from my father. In his drunken state, he'd often become hostile. Until, of course, he tried killing me and that's when I had called Barry. Barry's mother was my mother's best friend so we knew each other since we were kids. We were best friends. I may be missing out a lot but I think I've summarised everything..."

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