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A/N; I found that I wrote this a bit shit but I'm sorry. And I forgot my reasoning as to why Kara told Barry that she never told anyone on e1 about his death so I had to come up with something new so now I'm writing my ideas down so this never happens again 😭

"I need you" Kara whispered to no one in particular. Her finger stroked the picture of her and Barry stood next to each other. What she didn't know is that Barry was doing the same with a different framed picture in his own apartment.

"I miss you" Barry whispered, a sad smile towards the picture of the formerly happy couple. Maybe some day again, when things were better. And maybe soon because time had passed, a month to be exact, and things were getting better. As good as they could be considering the happy couple were still, no longer a couple.

"He- oh Kara, sweetie, what's wrong?" Elodie asked as she walked into Kara's room, light flooding the room as Kara wiped her sad expression from her face. She shot a smile towards her sister.

"Hey, Elle! What's up"

"Well.. I... I'm only here for another week and I was going to ask if you wanted to spend the day together, but... hey, what's up"

"Nothing, I'd love to hang out" Kara smiled.

"Well I'm a nosy sister so spill" Elodie said as she took a seat next to Kara on the bed.

"I'm serious, it's nothing" Kara chuckled.

"Oh baby sis, it's cute that you think you can lie to your best friend"

"You're only a year older than me" Kara said, pushing Elle's shoulder.

"Hmm, whatever. You still haven't answered my question"

"It's just... well..." Kara sighed.

"He said he wants us to be friends. That with time we can work. But isn't a month enough time? Rao, time is such a painful thing I just-"

"Hey hey, now I don't know Barry as well as you do but the glances you two steal at each other? They hold so much love and want. I know he still wants you, he just might need the right time to ask"

"Haven't I given him enough opportunities?"

"Well he does seem a little... how do I put this in the nicest way possible... erm... oblivious" Elodie said causing Kara to lightly chuckle.

"I have a week here. You can spend today with Barry and I can cancel sisters day today and reschedule."

"Hey, no. You're not here for long and he is-"

"No no, it's fine. Alex and I still have plans and I'm tryna convince her to either ask Liz out or forget her feelings for her. Don't tell me I need to do the same with you."

"Rao, those two are hopeless"

"I could say the same for you" Elodie chuckled as Kara pouted.

"Now go! Spend time with him! We've got the entire week"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, thank you so much, you're the best Elle!"

"I know now go get your man!"

"Wh- now?!"

"Yes now!"

"Right! By the way, is there any chance that you'd be willing to live here now?"


"Please! You've lived here with me and spent time with Alex and I for a month now! It's been so fun to be with both of my sisters."

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